/ Dishes from frozen spinach. With what to combine and how to cook?

Dishes from frozen spinach. With what to combine and how to cook?

Spinach is an annual nocturnal plant, leaveswhich have a fresh fragrance and slightly sour taste. This vegetable is known from ancient times, and its origin is attributed to Ancient Persia. Spinach in the people has two nicknames: "the king of vegetables" and "broom of the stomach" - for stimulating the activity of the intestine and pancreas. Spinach is valuable in high protein content.

dishes of frozen spinach
According to the content of this substance, it is onthird place in the "rating" of vegetables. Dishes from frozen spinach or fresh are very useful for people of any age. It is especially recommended to use them for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system, with gastritis, hypertension, exhaustion, anemia, diabetes and enterocolitis. It is worth mentioning that spinach helps stop the development of malignant tumors. Also this plant is used in dietary and children's nutrition. However, despite its usefulness, spinach has contraindications. It is not recommended to use it in large numbers to people suffering from urolithic, cholelithiasis or nephrolithiasis.
what to cook with spinach

In this article we will tell in detail what to make of spinach. It is very important that the dishes from frozen spinach (if properly cooked) do not lose their useful properties.

By itself, this vegetable has a neutral taste,so it will be very well combined with all sorts of products: meat, fish, cheese and milk products. And also the combination with nuts and other vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, beans, etc. will be perfect. Also, spinach is used as an additional ingredient for strengthening and emphasizing the taste of the main dish. It is added to soups, to stuffing for casseroles and pies, omelettes and so on. Dishes from spinach, recipes of which can vary depending on your imagination, is an excellent field for culinary creativity!

dishes of spinach recipes

First, if you cook freshspinach, leaves must be thoroughly rinsed, since sandstones may remain in the petioles. If you plan to prepare dishes from frozen spinach, it must be thawed naturally, and then squeezed lightly.

The recipe, which we will describe, is soup withwith spinach. A half-kilogram of prepared plant is needed. Cook it, and then grind it in a blender. You can take ready-made mashed potatoes. Separately we will cook broth from beef. We will get the welded meat, cut it into small pieces, and send about half a kilogram of peeled potatoes into the broth. After it is cooked, knead it in mashed potatoes with broth. Add spinach, meat and continue to cook. After the soup begins to boil, cook for two to three minutes. As a refueling, you can prepare the next sauce. To a glass of sour cream, add a teaspoon of sweet paprika, black pepper to taste and juice of one lemon. Stir thoroughly - ready!

Although this vegetable does not have a strong, brightexpressed taste, but in winter (with a catastrophic lack of vitamins), frozen spinach dishes will become an excellent assistant due to the high content of microelements and vitamins.

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