/ / How to cook frozen mussels? How to cook boiled mussels?

How to cook frozen mussels? How to cook boiled mussels?

Today we will talk about clams.Rather, about one of the representatives of this numerous species. Quite often, you can hear the questions of housewives, how to cook frozen mussels, how useful they are, what of them can be cooked. Today we will try to answer these questions. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

Мидии относятся к классу Двустворчатые.Their shell can be from five to twenty centimeters in size. Different species and subspecies have different shapes. Moreover, they have different life expectancy. The inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean live for thirty years, the northern mussels ten, and the shortest life of the Black Sea mussel. She was released only five or six years of life.

how to cook frozen mussels

В настоящее время мидий выращивают искусственно, on platforms right in the sea. The larvae themselves are fixed on the platform - they only need to be placed in a suitable pool, protected from the weather and strong currents. After eighteen months (considerable time) mussels reach the required size, and they can be caught. Up to three kilograms of mollusks are harvested from one small platform.

"Oysters for the poor"

Before talking about how to cook musselsfrozen, I would like to tell you how useful they are. The meat is consumed with meat (muscle) and the fluid in the sink. They go on sale most often in frozen form. You can “meet” fresh mussels only in Odessa on Privoz.

There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in their composition.The caloric content of one hundred grams of product is about 86 kcal. Mussels contain a huge amount of protein (much more than fish or beef), iron and phosphorus.


This delicacy can cause very severe allergies. In addition, mussels are contraindicated for those who have bleeding disorders.

how to cook peeled frozen mussels

How to cook cooked frozen mussels

Make it a snap.Immediately make a reservation that today you can buy frozen mussels and cooked and frozen mussels on sale. If you bought the second option, the question of how to cook cooked and frozen mussels should not worry you. They must be defrosted naturally, rinsed thoroughly in running water to wash away the remnants of sand and pebbles. That's it, you can start cooking your dish.

If someone asks you how much to cook musselsboiled-frozen, feel free to answer that you should not do this. This is perhaps the fastest way to cook shellfish. Many will be surprised - do not need to cook, then how to cook frozen mussels? You can use them as a snack - put the meat on one of the halves of the shell, pour lemon juice and garnish with greens. Or extinguish them with onions and add any of the following side dishes.

Frozen mussels: how to cook

Make it easy. The main thing is not to digest them.Put seafood in a saucepan, cover with two cups of cold water, close the lid and put on maximum heat. Salting water is not necessary, because the mussel shell is filled with salt water. After some time, the water boils, and the shells will open under the influence of high temperatures. Before the start of water boiling, a little was added, because enough liquid would flow out of the opened shells. It is important to ensure that absolutely all the shells are opened. Meat will be curtailed, and take a characteristic form - you will immediately see it. The cooking process is approximately twenty minutes.

how much cook boiled mussels frozen

Meat processing

Обычно сделать это просто.Meat comes out of a shell easily. But sometimes there are bunches of "threads" with which mussels attach to the stones. They should be cut off, the rest is quite edible. Now you know how to cook frozen mussels - cooking them is not particularly difficult. Even the most inexperienced hostess will cope with such work.

Peeled mussels are a perishable product.You need to know that they can only be thawed once. In addition, it is necessary to cook the intended dish within twenty-four hours after defrosting - otherwise they will deteriorate.

Anyone who cares how to cook musselspeeled frozen, we inform you that this can be done in several ways. The only thing to be remembered is that boiling of mussels should be no more than seven minutes from the moment of boiling water. Overcooked clams become "rubber". Cooking frozen mussels is not at all difficult.

how to cook frozen mussels meat

Method number 1

How to cook peeled mussels frozen in wine?

You will need:

  • thawed mussels at room temperature;
  • a glass of white wine;
  • seasonings for seafood, salt, pepper, greens.

В кастрюлю с вином добавьте приправы, опустите mussels, cover and simmer for five minutes on low heat. The mollusks cooked this way are a separate dish. Do not overdo the seasonings. Must feel the taste of seafood. Before serving, you can sprinkle them slightly with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

how to cook boiled mussels frozen

Method No. 2

Об этом рецепте слышали многие, но все равно often asked how to cook the meat of mussels frozen in milk. We are pleased to tell you about this method. Milk you need so much that it completely covered the mussels. It must first bring to a boil. Dip the prepared mussels into it, boil for five minutes and then add salt to taste. Hot peppers can add pepper.

If you do not know what to cook with musselsfrozen then take advantage of our advice. Mollusks cooked according to this recipe are perfectly combined with potatoes, rice, pasta. In addition, they can be an ingredient for cooking various salads.

how to cook boiled mussels frozen

Method number 3

Many will like this particular recipe - itvery simple, but the result is always excellent. How to cook frozen mussels in another way? Pour into the pan about 2/3 cup of olive oil, add spices to the fish that you like best, mix well. Over low heat bring the butter to a boil, and put the clams in it. Put the boiled mussels on a cloth to remove excess fat. They are very soft and juicy.

Today we want to introduce you to severalinteresting recipes of dishes that use mussels. Let's start, as expected, with a salad. First we will prepare a salad with mussels and rice. It takes 45 minutes of your time. To prepare six servings, you will need:

  • 600 g frozen mussels;
  • 6 tablespoons (table) of olive oil;
  • 150 grams of rice, better than long grain;
  • 8 pieces cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • one bay leaf;
  • 20 g of parsley;
  • pepper and sea salt to taste.

Boil thawed mussels in milk,pre-adding a leaf of bay leaf, pepper peas and salt. Boil hard-boiled eggs and cut them into slices, cut the tomatoes into two parts. In a separate bowl, beat the butter with salt, vinegar and pepper, season the salad and mix. If it seems to you that the salad is pale, add a pinch of turmeric or curry when cooking rice.

cooking frozen mussels

Seafood Cheese Soup

For five servings you will need:

  • potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • processed cheese - 1 pc .;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • dried garlic - 1.5 tsp;
  • crackers - 150 g;
  • peeled boiled shrimps - 150 g;
  • dry garlic - 1.5 tsp;
  • frozen mussels - 200 g

Peel carrots, onions and potatoes and boil them insalted water. Drain approximately 100–150 g of vegetable broth. Using a blender, chop the vegetables into mashed potatoes. Cut the cheese into small cubes, melt it in broth. Stirring constantly, add this mass to the soup. Boil about 5 minutes more by adding dried garlic. Arrange the cooked shrimps and mussels and pour in the soup. Sprinkle croutons on top. On cooking soup you need 40 minutes.

how to cook boiled mussels frozen

Mussels in garlic and creamy sauce

This tasty dish belongs to the French cuisine. You can cook it in fifteen minutes (4 servings). You will need:

  • 500 g of frozen mussels;
  • Proven herbs and garlic to taste;
  • 30 g of butter;
  • 200 g of 10% cream.

Очистите и измельчите чеснок, растопите масло на in a frying pan, add garlic to it, then make the fire minimal and simmer it for 1 minute. Make sure that it does not burn. Add the thawed mussels to the garlic, pepper and add French herbs. After about seven minutes, pour in the cream and continue to simmer. If the cream does not thicken immediately, add a little flour. Serve the cooked dish better with rice or pasta.

Fried mussels with teriyaki sauce

The dish is cooked 30 minutes. Today we will prepare two servings. Prepare the following foods:

  • 200 g thawed mussels;
  • a glass of rice;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • fenugreek, coriander, cumin and teriyaki sauce to taste.

Размороженные мидии минуты на три опустите в boiling water. You can pour mollusks with boiling water. Drop on a sieve, dry. Boil until cooked rice. Heat the pan well, fry the onions. Add Bulgarian pepper to it. Leave the vegetables in the pan for another five minutes. Then you can add mussels and fry them until a light crust. Do not forget to constantly stir products.

Now it's time for teriyaki sauce. Hold the dish on the fire for another two minutes - and our mussels are ready.

Put the cooked pre-rice on a well-heated pan, add spices to it and fry it thoroughly. Put rice and mussels with vegetables on a plate and dinner can be served.

Приготовьте мидии под зеленым чесночным маслом.It needs mussels in the sink. Fresh or frozen - it does not matter. For 12 mussels, soften 125 grams of butter so that it can be stirred with a fork. Crush three cloves of garlic with salt. Combine it with chopped dill, parsley, cilantro (you can use any you like) and soft butter. Add two spoons of dry wine here. In conclusion, the oil should be salted and pepper. Then put this oil on the half mussel shells, laid out on a baking sheet, sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top. After that, mussels are sent to the oven. Baking time - ten minutes (temperature 200 degrees).

Today, you learned a little more about these now popular clams. Now you know how much boiled mussels to cook, what of them can be cooked, what this delicacy is useful for.

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