/ No secrets: now you will learn how to cook frozen mussels

There are no secrets: now you will learn how to cook frozen mussels

Modern grocery stores offer theirVisitors have such a wide range of products, but sometimes it is not even completely clear what can be cooked from one or another dish. For example, amazing clams, tasty and healthy - do you have an idea of ​​how to cook frozen mussels so that all their fabulous taste is revealed, how not to spoil their tender “meat” and to please all connoisseurs and admirers of your culinary talent?

All sorts of recipes that allow deliciousCook mussels, there is a mass, and their number is growing annually, about as fast as the popularity of these mollusks themselves. Many people love them for an extraordinary taste, some prefer the speed of their processing, and for someone else their ability to satisfy their hunger is important, not sinking in the form of extra kilograms. In addition, there are real gourmets who like to experiment with this product, preparing it in different ways, adding various sauces and seasonings. These are the recipes used by professional chefs who can turn mussels into an exquisite zest of any high-end restaurant.

If you want to know how to cook musselsfrozen in the best way, refer to the Greek plov recipe, which requires mollusks proper (500 gr.), a little olive oil and rice (450 gr.). In addition, you need to take a sufficient amount of water (about 900 ml.), Onions (1 goal.) And carrots (1 pc.), Not to mention spices (salt, different types of pepper and turmeric - the minimum set). First of all, you should clean and chop the carrots with onions, then fry them in oil in a thick-walled frying pan or in a cauldron until the vegetables have an appetizing golden hue. Then you can send mussels there too - thawed, peeled and well washed, and after five minutes of intensive mixing you can add washed rice grains to them. Preparing pilaf should be covered with spices to taste, slightly diluted with water so that rice does not stick, and stir from time to time. As soon as the pilaf is ready - in about a quarter of an hour - you can put a couple of garlic cloves in it for an even more seductive aroma, let it sit under the lid for a few minutes and send to the table.

And the following recipe of how to cook musselsFrozen very tasty, offers to create a wonderful open pie, which, in addition to the clams, includes salmon and green beans. To do this, you will have to take the following ingredients: ready-made dough (900 gr.), And mussels (250 gr.), Salmon (150 gr.), Green beans (200 gr.) Will act as a filling. You will also need to take cheese (100 gr.), Eggs (4 pcs.), Carrots (1 pc.), As well as milk, bread crumbs and spices. The dough should be rolled out and put on a greased form, then sent to the cold for a quarter of an hour, and at this time boil the beans in water with lemon juice, mix with the squeezed garlic and set aside, soak. Before cooking the mussels frozen, they should be boiled together with salmon, then the clams are mixed with grated carrots and garlic residues, bust the fish, ridding them of bones and breaking them into small pieces. At the last stage, the filling is finally combined and laid out on chilled dough, sprinkled with a mixture of grated cheese (it is best to choose solid varieties) and breadcrumbs. After that, it remains only to beat the eggs with milk, pour the form over with them and move it into the oven for half an hour to 40 minutes.

And if you want to know how to cook mussels inshell, then write another small recipe: boil the mollusks in water, acidified with lemon juice, before opening the valves, pour the same juice and bring to the table still hot with tomato, soy or garlic sauces.

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