/ / How to cook a delicious mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms

How to cook a delicious mushroom soup with mushrooms

It's not for nothing that the white boletus is the king of allmushrooms. It can not only be cooked, fried, stewed, marinated, but also dried. And the bunch will retain its original flavor and rich smell even after a year. If properly stored, of course. Today we will cook mushroom soup with white mushrooms. To prepare the dish, you can take a string of driedBorovikov or open a jar with house preparations. But if you cook soup in the fall, at the height of the season, then the ideal option is to prepare 300-500 g of fresh white mushrooms recently harvested in an ecologically clean area. The fact is that all heavy metals and other substances harmful to health collect in a spongy hat.

Mushroom soup of white mushrooms

Autumn White Mushroom Mushroom Soup

First you need to clean the fruit bodies.If the boletuses were collected in a sandy area and strong to the touch, it is enough just to scrub them, remove sticky grass, remove dirt from the legs. If you find them among the clay and in the rain, then first put the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with water with two soup spoons of salt. This will force possible worms to leave their shelter. After half an hour, wash the mushrooms and clean.

Cook the soup of white mushrooms

When the preparatory work is done, you can begin to prepare mushroom soup from white mushrooms.Boletus (half a kilo) cut into pieces, large, because when cooking they are reduced in volume two to three times. We put them in a large saucepan, fill with three liters of cold water and set on fire. After boiling we continue cooking for another half an hour or forty minutes. During this time, we have time to clean, wash and cut into small cubes or cubes 3-4 medium potatoes. Also finely chop two onions. Some recipes also use chopped or shredded carrots, but you can also do without it. So, in vegetable oil we pass the onion until it becomes slightly golden. Then add carrots to the pan.

Cooking soup of porcini mushrooms
After forty minutes, we pour potatoes into the pot, boil for another quarter of an hour. After that add onion and carrot fry. Mushroom Mushroom Soup It has the peculiarity that in spices it is notneeds Fresh boletus mushrooms and so will give the dish a rich flavor. Therefore, leave curry, oregano and tarragon all over there for other broths. Throw only bay leaf and a pinch of black pepper in the pot with mushroom soup. When the potatoes are completely ready, add the finely chopped fresh dill, cook for another five minutes, remove from the stove and allow to stand under the lid for half an hour. Serve this dish with sour cream.

Winter decoction

Cooking soup of dried mushroomsdiffers from the classic recipe only the beginning of the preparatory process. Remove the boletus from the thread and soak them in lightly warm water for about three hours. During this time, the mushrooms swell and give up some of their liquid flavor. Therefore, do not drain the infusion, but catch the mushrooms with a skimmer and rinse them under running water. Fold a piece of cheesecloth in 4-5 layers. Thoroughly strain the infusion. Dilute it with cold water so that the total volume of liquid is three liters. Well, then cook soup with white mushrooms is not difficult. Follow the above recipe, and in an hour you will have a tasty and flavorful first course.

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