/ / Marinade for white mushrooms - prepare properly

Marinade for white mushrooms - cook correctly

White fungus can be called the king of the forest.This is the most nutritious representative of this family. By the amount of protein, it is not inferior even to meat products. Therefore, white mushrooms are given a special place in cooking. They can be used for cooking various dishes. These are forest mushrooms, which have a delicious aroma, filling any culinary creation with incomparable taste. But now let's talk about marinating mushrooms. At the time of harvest, this issue is particularly acute.

Marinade for mushrooms white

A small introduction

Что главное в этом процессе?Of course, marinade for ceps. By itself, this product is already self-sufficient. But if it's wrong to prepare a fill, then the mushrooms will be acidic or salty. It should be noted that the preferences are different for everyone, so there are a lot of recipes, how to prepare marinade for white mushrooms. Everyone has a favorite. For marinade, you can use any spices, seasonings and spices. The main thing is that they give the mushrooms an aroma, but do not interrupt their taste.

white pickled mushroom

A fragrant, spicy marinade

This marinade for white mushrooms contains a largenumber of spices and spices. Mushrooms are very delicious. The number of ingredients is calculated for 2 kg of mushrooms. We take 1 liter of water, 200 grams of vinegar, 20 grams of salt, 40 grams of sugar, anise, clove, bay leaf, black pepper, fragrant pepper, mustard in grains, fresh parsley and dill. A few words about processing mushrooms. Only young and high-quality representatives of this family are suitable for marinating. They must be cleaned of debris, rinsed and cut into medium pieces. Then we lower the white mushrooms into boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. After that, they put them in cans. Now we prepare marinade for white mushrooms. We put the pot of water on the fire and wait until it boils. Then add salt, sugar, spices and sliced ​​greens. Let's marinade to boil and pour vinegar. After that, it should boil for about 3-5 minutes. Fire do not make it too big. Then we fill the marinade for the white mushrooms in the cans and close them. In winter, this dish will be a resounding success.

Marinade for ceps

Add a little bit of sharpness

To make the marinade more sharp, addBell pepper. This recipe for an amateur, because so rarely cook a white fungus. Marinade does not have a lot of ingredients. Take a large spoonful of salt, a small spoonful of sugar, as much mustard in the grains, a few leaves of laurel, black pepper grains, and a half of hot pepper (without seeds). This amount is calculated for one liter of water. Pour the water into a saucepan and put it on the fire. Then add all the spices and spices. Let's marinade to boil and fill them with cans of mushrooms. Put pepper into the jar. In the marinating process, it will give the marinade a slight acuity, and the mushrooms will acquire an unusual taste. Vinegar in this recipe is not added to the fill, but it must be poured directly into the jar (2 large spoons).


The simplest marinade consists of salt, sugar,vinegar and water. But in order to refine the taste, you need to add spices and spices. Use for this purpose dill (very well combined with mushrooms), cloves, bay leaf, peas peppers (any), garlic and anise. Choose the ingredients to your liking, because there is room for experiments.

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