/ / The best recipes for cottage cheese casserole for a child of 1 year of age

The best recipes for cottage cheese casserole for a child of 1 year of age

Doctors advise starting to feed babies not earlier.six months old. Until that time, even the most wholesome food will not give the desired result, since the child’s digestive system is not ready for serious loads until this time. But by the age of twelve, the body has already managed to get strong enough to take on more complex dishes, and not just mashed potatoes and jelly. For example, consider some interesting recipes for cottage cheese casserole for a child of 1 year of age. Each of them is good in its own way.

The simplest version

To provide the baby with the necessary vitamins andminerals, in his diet should definitely include cottage cheese and various cereals. The most famous dish, in which both of these products are combined most successfully, is casserole. It can be cooked in the oven or steamed. It all depends on the selected recipe. Take, for example, the easiest version of curd casserole. For a child of 1 year, he is perfect.

cottage cheese casserole for a child 1 year

It will require a few products: for 400 grams of cottage cheese - 2 eggs, 75 grams of sugar, vanillin, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and decoys, as well as breadcrumbs.

The whole cooking process takes a little more than half an hour:

  1. All products (with the exception of crackers) must be combined in the same container and mix well.
  2. Then take a baking dish, fluff it with butter and sprinkle with a little breadcrumbs.
  3. After that, put in a mixture of cottage cheese and gently level.
  4. Send the form to the oven for 40 minutes. Pre-need to warm up to 200 degrees.

Из взятого количества продуктов получаются четыре full servings. This method of cooking curd casserole for a 1 year old child has two significant advantages. Firstly, it is very tasty. Secondly, for each portion there are only 350 kilocalories. This will not be a serious overload.

Steamed Dish

In a year, the child is already well perceived fruit.But as a puree, they are a little annoying. To diversify the menu, you can try another recipe for cottage cheese casserole for the child. 1 year is the time when you can slowly start experimenting with food.

In our case, for work, you will need to have the following components: for 50 grams of semolina - 1 egg, half a banana, 400 grams of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar.

So, to achieve an excellent result, everything will have to be done consistently:

  1. First, fresh egg should be thoroughly whipped with sugar.
  2. Then add the cottage cheese and turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass with a fork.
  3. There to put the peeled banana, after having stretched it with a fork.
  4. Pour the semolina and make the final batch.
  5. Capacity steamer grease and put in it the resulting mass.

After 40-45 minutes the finished product will be available.get and start breakfast. The casserole is soft, delicate and very fragrant. She will love any toddler. And to make the product easier to digest, you can drink cocoa or berry compote.

Absolutely no cereal

In order to make a good dessert,It is not necessary to use cereal. Very good is a tasty casserole without semolina. Instead, starch or flour is usually added as a thickener. The rest of the recipes are quite similar.

casserole without decoys

In this case, products are needed in the following quantities: per pound of cottage cheese - 4 eggs, 175 grams of sugar, vanillin, and two tablespoons of sour cream and starch.

The cooking process is not at all like the previous options:

  1. Protein gently separated from the yolks and set them aside.
  2. The rest of the products put together and stir.
  3. Squirrels whisk whisk, and then add to the curd mass.
  4. Put everything in shape and send for 35 minutes in the oven. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature was not lower than 180 degrees.

Casserole without semolina turns out very lush. It can easily be eaten with a spoon, even without drinking it. For mixing the dough is best to use a mixer. In this case, the mixture will be more air.

Lucky tandem

If you mix the cereal with vegetables, the dish will turn out not only delicious, but also very useful.

casserole with semolina in the oven

So, a casserole with semolina in the oven can beprepared according to the following recipe: per pound of pumpkin pulp - a glass of milk, 0.4 kilograms of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 100 grams of semolina, the same amount of butter, half a cup of sugar, 75 grams of sour cream, a little vanilla (on the tip of a knife) and 2-3 gram of salt.

In this case, everything needs to be done step by step:

  1. Heat the milk a little, pour semolina into it and leave it to swell there for half an hour.
  2. Pumpkin cut into pieces arbitrarily. Then put all this in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on the fire. After boiling, put out for 20 minutes at minimum heat.
  3. Knead the slightly cooled pumpkin thoroughly with a fork.
  4. Curd wipe through a sieve.
  5. Combine eggs with sugar and grind well.
  6. Melt the butter.
  7. Alternately add all the prepared ingredients to the milk-cereal mixture and knead the dough similar to sour cream.
  8. Then put everything in a greased form and send to the oven for forty minutes.

As soon as the timer lets you know, you can safely remove the ruddy casserole. If desired, the pumpkin can be replaced by carrots. It will also be very tasty.

For the youngest

Здесь описаны лишь самые популярные детские casseroles. The recipes of this dish can be different. As an additional ingredient you can use any products. The main thing is to remember that at the age of 1, children still cannot chew food well. Therefore, it is better to chop all components thoroughly. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that babies in 12 months can eat not all products yet. In order not to harm your child, it is better to dwell on various cottage cheese options. Take, for example, one of the most common recipes, which children like very much. It is very similar to all previous ones.

children's casseroles recipes

For work, you must have: 500 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of raisins, egg, vanillin, 5 grams of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar, butter and sour cream.

Cooking should be as follows:

  1. Curd before kneading through a fine sieve.
  2. Beat the egg well beforehand.
  3. Combine the products together, and then transfer the mass to the baking sheet, after having been lubricated with oil and sprinkled with decoy.
  4. Baking in the oven lasts no more than 40 minutes.

On a plate, a slice of such a casserole can be poured with sour cream or sweet syrup.

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