/ How correctly to bake carp in foil in the oven?

How correctly to bake carp in foil in the oven?

Bake carp in foil can be different.Someone prefers to cook such fish entirely, but someone does it in the form of large steaks. Today, we will present the first option, as in this case carp can be stuffed with fragrant ingredients, which will make it more tasty and juicy.

bake carp in foil

How to bake carp in foil: a step-by-step recipe

Components for the dish:

  • olive oil - 4 large spoons;
  • ripe lemon large - 1 pc .;
  • medium bulbs - 2 pcs .;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley) - along the bun;
  • salt sea, spices aromatic, pepper peas black - add to taste;
  • carp big - 1 or 2 pcs. (see the number of guests).

Preparing fish for baking

Before baking carp in foil, it should bewash well, cleanse of scales and viscera. The tail, head and fins can be left behind. To fish in the oven turned juicy and especially delicious, it is required in advance to cover with salt, aromatic spices and sprinkle with ¼ lemon juice. In this marinade the carp should last about 30-50 minutes.

how much to bake carp in foil

Vegetable and fruit processing

To tasty bake carp in foil, itsit is recommended to fill with some fragrant ingredients. For this, we decided to use the onions and ripe lemon. These products should be cleaned and cut into thin circles. It is also necessary to rinse fresh fresh vegetables separately and chop it with a knife.

The process of forming a dish

After the carp is completely impregnatedaromatic marinade, it should be carefully laid out on a large sheet of dense foil and maximally open the abdomen. Further in the fish it is necessary to place rings of onions, a part of lemon slices, black pepper peas and fresh herbs. If desired, these products can be salted. After that, the abdomen of the fish should be closed, and on its carcass make a few cuts, where later it is required to place thin slices of fresh lemon. On top of carp it is desirable to cover with olive oil and wrap with foil.

Heat treatment of the dish

Everyone who has ever made this dish, it is necessaryinterested in the question of how much to bake carp in foil. It is worth noting that such a medium-sized fish becomes usable after 40 minutes. If the river product is too large, then it is desirable to increase this time by another quarter of an hour. By the way, often housewives are interested in information about how to bake carp at what temperature to get a more fried dish. In this case, the oven is recommended to heat up to 220 degrees.

at what temperature can the carp be baked

After the above-mentioned time, the fish in theThe foil should be carefully pulled out, unfolded and removed with the help of a spatula, while preserving its maximum integrity. In this form, carp should be placed on a flat dish, decorated with mayonnaise mesh, fresh herbs, lemon and other vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.).

How to properly serve the table

Baked in the oven carp is recommended to be presented for dinner with a side dish of vegetables, pasta or any cereal, as well as wheat bread and tomato sauce.

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