/ / Sunberry berries: a recipe for making delicious blanks

Sunberry berries: a recipe for making delicious blanks

Berry Sunberry, recipes blanks from which we present in this article, is called differently garden nightshade.

sunberry cooking recipe
This culture is bred artificially.The structure of this annual is similar to the structure of a tomato. Low shrubs hung with dark purple large berries - this is sunberry. The recipes that we have selected will help you prepare the incredibly useful fruits of this plant for the winter. Let's start with the description of the shrub.

Little bit about sunberry

The recipe for making these berries should be consideredtheir bright intense taste. They are saturated with microelements, so it is useful to try to save all the useful properties in the cooking process. Sunberry berries are usually harvested in September. Some enterprising gardeners cover the plants with foil. This allows you to feast on the fruits until the snowy winter months. It is also possible to store sunberry for a long time (the recipe of preparation does not always provide for the use of only fruits removed from the bush) in a cool room for up to one month. Before cooking, the berries are always scalded - this removes the particular solanaceous taste that they possess.

Sunberry Fruit Dried

Cooking recipe means keeping in the oven at a low temperature. You can use a special drying unit.

 sunberry recipes
The temperature should be from 50 to 60 degreesCelsius Drying sunberry should be from two to four hours. Berries are mixed periodically. Before drying, they are washed and sorted. Spread on a baking tray in one layer. In the sun, these berries are usually not dried - this can lead to the loss of the beneficial properties of the sunberry.

Liqueur recipe

It will take a kilogram of berries and 1.2 kilogramswhite sugar. Mixing ingredients, cook over low heat until the syrup becomes thick. Cool it down. Pour high-quality vodka - it should be as much as the finished syrup. After mixing, bottled, store in a cellar or other cool dark place. In order to make wine, the berries must first be crushed, and then covered with sugar.

Sunberry Berry recipes
Once placed in the bottle, it should be added to the neck.Boiled cold water and wear a rubber medical glove on top. Within a month, the wine will ferment, and then it can be drained and bottled for storage.

Other Sunberry Billets

Dried berries can be frozen on a flatpallets if you have a good freezer. After the fruits harden, they are laid out in bags, tied, stored for up to a year. You can pour the washed berries with sugar and freeze them in plastic containers in this form. You can make savory vegetable caviar with the addition of sunberry. For this, in addition to a kilogram of berries, you need 500 g of a good sweet carrot, three onions, vegetable oil for roasting, greens, sugar and salt. Sunberry is better to cut in half and fry in this form. Separately spasserovat sliced ​​vegetables. All ingredients mince with herbs and spices, boil, spread on banks.

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