/ How to salt yourself fat

How to salt yourself fat

Salted bacon is one of the favorite gourmet foodsall nationalities, and especially Ukrainians, who do not represent their diet without it. It's hard to give up an appetizing piece of smoked or salted salted salmon with horseradish and potatoes. Yes, and nutritionists talk about the benefits of fat because of the content in it of a large number of essential fatty acids, so necessary for the body. He is also credited with the ability to remove radionuclides from the human body.

how to salt bacon
How to buy this product in a store or on amarket, it is better to learn how to salt lard yourself, because there is nothing complicated in this process. Choose for salting should not very thick pieces of white or slightly pinkish color, without yellowness, with a clean and soft skin that will easily separate.

For salting it is necessary to use largecrystals of salt. Its main purpose is to remove moisture and a product of preservative effect. Large salt slowly draws liquid from fat, gradually dissolving in it. Do not use fine, but also iodized salt, as the desired result will not be achieved. Before you salt the fat, you must scrape it with a knife from possible contaminants, wash it with water.

how much to salt bacon
The prepared product is cut into smallpieces. A mixture is prepared from salt, pepper and seasonings to taste. Garlic is cut into thin slices at the rate of one tooth per piece of fat. For salting you need a roomy pan, at the bottom of which you pour a mixture of salt, spices, garlic. Then lay the grated with this mixture, pouring garlic and spices.

Having combined and slightly rammed all the pieces, you can cover them with a plate and, placing a small load, leave in a dark place at room temperature for one day.

How much fat to fat until ready? Having got out of the pan, it is cleaned of excess salt, wrapped in a cotton cloth and left in the refrigerator for a few more days (about a week).

how to salt lard for smoking
You can use another way of howsalt the lard in hot brine. It will require a liter of water, one glass of salt, a laurel leaf, peppercorns, chopped garlic. The product is poured with hot brine and boiled for 5 minutes. Turning off, leave for a day. After this time, the bacon with brine should be warmed on a low heat, bring to a boil and put it hot on a plate, allow it to cool and dry. Then rub all the pieces of a mixture of crushed garlic with spices, put in the freezer.

salted bacon
For smoking, a fresh tenderloinbacks and brisket carcasses, with a thin light skin or without it at all. Before you salt the fat for smoking, it must be cut into suitable slices. After rubbing the cooked pieces with grinding salt, adding spices at will, it is necessary to stand for three days. After the salting, all the salt must be cleaned, and the fat itself should be rinsed in a little warm water and left on air or on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator for a day, in order that it dries well and is worn out. After this (during the day) the product is cooled to a light yellow color in a cold way. By this time, his taste is simply excellent.

There are many more examples of howsalt lard, and every lover of this product can choose their own recipe for themselves. It is best to take salty fat for food, combining with vegetables, especially with green onions.

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