/ / "Blue dragonfly" (Prishvin): a short story

"Blue dragonfly" (Prishvin): a short story

M.M.Prishvin created works of amazing beauty. He could see even the most ordinary things beautiful. His works were distinguished by purity and transparency: reading them, you unwittingly immerse yourself in the described world. He had the talent not only of the writer, but also of the contemplator: Mikhail Mikhailovich observed the phenomena of nature, human relationships and wondered about the meaning of life. Therefore, his work is so close to people. Below is a summary of the "Blue Dragonfly" by Prishvin.

History of writing

During the First World War, the writerwent to the front as a correspondent. Prishvin sent his essays to various newspapers. At the same time, he not only observed and recorded military operations, but also took part in them.

Mikhail Mikhailovich helped to look after the wounded,one of the cases and was taken as the basis of the story "Blue dragonfly". In the title itself there is no hint of war, nevertheless it was created during the period of his work as a military correspondent. Outlining the brief content of the "Blue Dragonfly" Prishvin, it should be noted that this story is not about military actions, but about how important it is that a person does not lose touch with nature and always retains the ability to empathize and admire the beautiful.

Blue Dragonfly Prism Summary

main characters

One can not do without a summary of the "Blue Dragonfly" by Prishvin without enumerating the characters.

  • The author is the writer himself, on whose behalf the narrative is conducted.
  • The injured fighter was almost a boy who wanted to see the creek running.
  • Blue dragonfly - she admired the wounded boy, and this admiration gave him strength.

Meeting with the boy

Summary of "Blue dragonfly" Prishvinyou need to start from the fact that the correspondent arrived at the front as a medic and immediately found himself on the battlefield that was held in the Augustow forests. He wrote down all his observations, but he felt unnecessary and realized that he could not use words to convey to the readers all the horror of what was happening. The correspondent walked towards the war, not fearing either shells or bullets that flew alongside him.

Suddenly he was called by the captain, whose name wasMaxim Maksimych. Despite the fact that he was strict, he treated the correspondent with understanding. Apparently, the old soldier realized that he felt his needlessness and wanted to be useful. Maxim Maksimych ordered the writer to help lay the wounded. The correspondent, pleased that he had been entrusted with a responsible business, began to carry out his order.

We continue to retell the summary"The blue dragonfly" Prishvin. It is necessary to write about how the author met the wounded fighter. He helped to lay the wounded, when suddenly he heard a weak voice that asked for water. Of course, the writer brought a fighter of water, but he did not drink. He continued to ask for water, to see a stream.

Prishvin blue dragonfly a brief summary

Then the correspondent looked at the wounded man andI was surprised to see that it was practically a boy. The features of his face still reflected the thrill and excitement of the soul. He carried the wounded boy to the stream with the help of the orderly on a stretcher. The orderly left, and he stayed with the fighter on the bank of the stream.

The flight of a blue dragonfly

Further in the story there is a description of nature, linesbreathe amazing cleanliness and help the reader to feel the beauty of the evening forest. In this part of M. Prishvin's story "The Blue Dragonfly" (the summary can not, unfortunately, convey all the nuances) it is said about what healing power can be possessed by nature. The correspondent and the boy admired the beauty of the forest in the evening sun, water lilies. At that moment a blue dragonfly was spinning over the water.

Prishvin blue dragonfly read the abstract

The boy, closing his eyes, listened to the sounds of the stream, andhis face reflected the inner struggle. Finally, it ended with the appearance on the face of a child's smile, he opened his eyes and thanked the author. At that moment the boy saw a dragonfly, smiled and closed his eyes again. Sometimes a wounded soldier asked if this beautiful creature continues to fly. And he always received an affirmative answer, which calmed him down.

After a while, the author pondered and, answeringwhen asked about the dragonfly, did not notice that the boy opened his eyes. But at dusk he did not see her and was upset that the writer was inattentive. Prishvin too was afflicted, but suddenly in reflection of water he saw a dragonfly and told the boy about it. Summary of the "Blue Dragonfly" by Mikhail Prishvin, we conclude that the writer tells how the boy was rescued. He believed that this is not only the merit of the doctors, but also the magic song of the stream and the flight of the blue dragonfly.

Michael Prishvin blue dragonfly a brief summary

Even if you read the summary of "Bluedragonflies "Prishvin, you can feel with what sincere love the writer describes the beauty of nature and how he rejoices that there are people who can admire her and who are distressed by an inattentive attitude towards her beauties. Prishvin believed that the doctors were helped by a stream and dragonfly because the skill appreciate every moment and be in harmony with nature allows a person to keep all the good that is in his nature.

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