/ / Summary: "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." Russian fairy tale

Summary: "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." Russian fairy tale

In the darkness of millennia, in pagan times beganmake up a fairy tale. Depending on the talent of the narrator, additional adventures of the heroes were added to them, or, conversely, the excess was cut off. Each fairy tale had many options. But the main thing - she taught that for a good person, everything will end well. Each tale had its own morality. Fairy tales were not recorded until the mid 18th century. The scientific passion for Russian folklore began in the 19th century.

“What a beauty these fairy tales!”

Following our genius, these words could repeatA. N. Tolstoy. He, like all the children of his generation, was close to Russian fairy tales. Being already a famous writer, he repeatedly turned to folklore. In his youth, he published a collection of "Shorty Tales", then there were "Mermaid Tales", and only then the writer literary processed forty-three Russian fairy tales. Today we will look at the folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" (summary). The author for the people of our time is not the people, but A. N. Tolstoy, because in his processing she speaks to us in our language, without using obsolete words and expressions. Its plot is extremely compressed, and the moral is clear to the youngest listeners.

Summary Sister Alenushka and Brother Ivan's
Until we began to set out a summary(“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”) tales about the difficult life of a sister and brother, then we will briefly tell about its author. Rather, about his life and work on fairy tales.

The life of the writer

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1883-1945) was born inNikolayevsk in the family of the count, the leader of the district nobility. He described his childhood and how he began to study at home, the master described in the wonderful story “Nikita’s Childhood”. His mother Alexandra Leontievna is also active there. The teenager finishes school in Samara, and then begins to study at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. Realizing that his vocation is literature, he leaves his studies and begins to gradually print. At first it was poetry, then Alexei Tolstoy drew attention to prose.

During the 1st World War, he sends to the reararticles from the front of life. After the revolution, he goes abroad for a long time. Living in Paris and Berlin, the writer longs for his homeland. At the request of A. M. Gorky, he was allowed to return home. He is actively working on major fascinating novels that are the pride of our prose. But even at this time he manages to process Russian fairy tales. One of them, which was loved by our Russian artists, we now consider a brief summary. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” is a short but instructive tale.

Listen to a story

Умерли родители Аленушки и Иванушки.The sister was almost a girl, and the brother was still quite small. The girl went to work and took her brother with her. We began to tell a brief summary (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”) of a fairy tale. They go a long way under the hot sun. Ivanushka wanted to drink. He wanted to drink some water from the trail of a cow's hoof, and then - from the horse's trail. But the sister explained that he would become a calf or a foal.

sister alyonushka and brother ivanushka summary
Going further, it gets hotter and hotter.They see a trail full of water from a goat hoof. Ivanushka did not listen to her sister, that if she drank water, she would become a kid, and drank water. Alyonushka looked around, calling her brother, and a little white goat ran to her. There can always be trouble if young children do not listen to their elders: mom and dad, brother or sister, aunt or uncle. Alenushka sat down and burst into tears. A merchant goes by, stops and asks about what the red girl is crying about. Alyonushka told him everything. Then the merchant called her in marriage and promised that they would not abandon the goat kid. Summary (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka) of the fairy tale is going on for now.

What happened next

Вышла замуж за купца девушка, и стали они дружно live all together Once the merchant went away on business, and the witch came to the window of Alyonushka and tenderly began to call her to bathe. Alyonushka, feeling nothing bad, went after her. Here is another moral. You can’t walk big or small for strangers, because the witch led Alyonushka to the river and drowned her. And she turned into a red maid, changed into her dress, and even the merchant did not recognize the substitution. One goat boy knew everything. He became sad, stopped eating and drinking and started running ashore, calling his sister back.

the work of the sister Alyonushka and brother Ivan's
The witch discovered this and began to persuade the merchantslaughter a kid. It is a pity for him, but he did not refuse the witch. The tale Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka continues in such a scary and dramatic way, a summary of which we now retell.

How will the tale end

Goat begged off before dying on the starch andI began to complain to my sister that they would soon kill him and cook the meat. Alyonushka replies that he cannot swim up, because the heavy stones are tied to it, the grass of his legs has tangled and the sand is heavy lay on his chest. The merchant's servant heard this conversation, ran home, told everything to his master. Good people came with nets and dragged Alenushka to the shore. It was dipped into spring water, and Alyonushka became even more beautiful.

sister alyonushka and brother ivanushka summary author
The goatling three times (according to Russian beliefs, this is a magic number) turned over his head and again became a pretty boy. The witch was executed for her atrocities.

So well ends the instructive and entertaining work “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, a brief content of which we told and explained.

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