/ / R. Sabatini, "The Odyssey of Captain Blood": a summary

R. Sabatini, "The Odyssey of Captain Blood": a summary

In this article, we'll talk about the most famous adventure novel - "The Odyssey of Captain Blood". The summary of the work will be considered in detail.

About the work

Odyssey of Captain Blah

Rafael Sabatini wrote his book in 1922.The work was so great success that the writer had to write continuations. So there were two novels: "The Chronicle of Captain Blood" and "The Luck of Captain Blood." The popularity of the novel did not decrease, so the work was screened several times.

"The Odyssey of Captain Blood" (summary isillustrates) tells about the events that took place in England in the 17th century. After the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, the formation of the British Empire began. And first of all she had to start a war with Spain, the largest colonial power of the time.

"The Odyssey of Captain Blood": a summary of the book

Peter Blood is the protagonist of the work.His adventures begin before the battle of Sedgmur in the town of Bridgewater. With the rebellion of Monmouth, Lord Gilda is wounded, and Blood, a Bachelor of Medicine, helps him. In the house of Gildoy, where the rebel is hiding, soldiers burst in and arrest the owner, the doctor himself and Jeremy Pitt.

odyssey of captain blah.

And in September 1685 Peter appeared before the courtBlood, who is accused of high treason. As a result, Blood is sentenced to hanging. However, at this time, King Jacob II needed slaves for heavy work in the southern colonies. Therefore, the rebels, including Blood, are sent there.

Peter Blood arrives in Barbados on the "Jamaicanmerchant ". In Bridgetown, he is sold into slavery for 10 pounds sterling to Colonel Bishop. But thanks to his medical abilities, Blood soon became the personal physician of Governor Steed and his wife. Peter meets a young girl named Arabella Bishop. She is a pretty niece of Colonel Bishop, she is 25 years old. The hero falls in love with her.

In 1686, Blood manages to capture the Spanish marque, where he and the crew go to Tortuga, a refuge of pirates.

Coastal brotherhood

The Odyssey of Captain Blood continues.The summary of the chapters tells how Peter decides to join the shore fraternity. And in 1687, for the first time, Blade enters the open sea on the ship Arabella. Even before his return, the glory of him is spread all over the Caribbean Sea.

Blood takes a decision to attackThe largest Spanish point of sending gold Maracaibo to unite with Levaser, a French pirate. And already in 1687 the squadron of Blood carried out conceived and attacks the richest city of Spain.

Odyssey of Captain Blah

However, due to errors committed by Causac, the squadronis trapped by Don Miguel de Espinosa, the worst enemy of Peter Blood. But the hero is developing a desperate plan and he manages not only to break free, but also to capture three enemy ships from 5. As a result, he leaves with a rich booty.

Service to the French

It abounds in sea adventures and battles"The Odyssey of Captain Blood." The summary depicts another meeting between Blood and Espinosa, which occurred in September 1688. The main character managed to once again win, despite the superiority of the enemy, and even sank the flagship of the enemy.

Blood also saves Lord Julian, the messengerthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Arabella Bishop, who were held hostage by the Spaniards. But instead of gratitude, the girl calls the hero a pirate and a thief. This brought Blood into despair. He understands that he can not lead an honest life, but his beloved's words hurt him greatly. As a result, the hero goes into drinking.

In February 1689Peter Blood decides, after much persuasion of friends, to accept the offer of the French admiral de Rivarol and to enter his service. However, as it turned out, this decision did not save him from pirated life. Admiral invites the captain to make a "pirate" foray into the rich city of Spain Cartagena. In March, the squadron sails, but to arrive at the appointed time they are hampered by unfavorable weather. And the goal is achieved only by April. Thanks to the fury of the pirates, the city gave up. In return, they were waiting for a large-scale production - 40 million livres. But Rivarol refused to share and fled with all the loot.

odyssey of the captain of the blessed.


The Odyssey of Captain Blood is coming to an end(summary). Blood goes in pursuit of the robber. In the course of this, he manages to save the governor of the West Indies, Lord Ullogby, save Port Royal and defeat the squadron of Rivarol. Here, too, he learns that Wilhelm of Orange became the new king of England.

With the arrival of the new lord, the link of Bloodends and he can return home. However, this is hampered by his appointment as Governor of Jamaica. Taking up a new post, the hero finally opens his feelings to Arabella, the girl responds to him in return. Thus ends the "Odyssey of Captain Blood". The summary (1 chapter), if you pay attention to this, draws us one hero, but at the end of the book we see a completely different person. This man has seen many things in his life and experienced incredible adventures.

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