"Black Tulip" - a French novelnovelist Alexander Dumas-father, who saw the light in 1850. This work is not as widely popular as his most famous books, but occupies a prominent place in the work of the author. It contains all the elements inherent in the style of the writer, which brought him world fame: a dynamic, fascinating story, an interesting intrigue, colorful memorable characters, an easy language and elegant humor.
The author of the novel “Black Tulip” (1802–1870).) became famous not only as a major prose writer. He wrote a huge number of journalistic works for historical publications and journals for travel. He is also known for his famous books on cooking. However, he began his literary career with writing plays on historical subjects.
He was an adherent of the romantic trend in literature. His first dramas, staged in the theater, made his name famous in the circles of the intelligentsia.
In the 1840s, the peak of its popularity.The famous story about musketeers, books about the struggle of Heinrich of Navarre for the French throne, as well as the work "The Count of Monte-Cristo." These books have strengthened his fame as the largest writer of his time.
Dumas set out to create a series of booksdevoted to the medieval history of France, and he generally succeeded. The writer often took as a basis the turning points of the past, which gave him the opportunity to create a tense atmosphere and a dynamic plot. However, some of his books are devoted to events from the history of other countries.
For example, the essay "Notes fencing teacher" tells the story of the Decembrist movement in Russia. The considered work brings the reader to Holland at the end of the 17th century.
"Black Tulip" - a novel whose action, inunlike most of the writer's work, occurs in Holland. Events unfold at the time of the sharpest political crisis, which served as the background for the main intrigue.
The author masterfully paints Wilhelm III's struggle withprinces brothers de Witta. During the fierce confrontation, both die at the hands of an angry mob. However, one of the brothers left his correspondence with the French minister to the protagonist, florist Cornelius van Berlet. This was decided to take advantage of his neighbor Boxtel, who also breeds tulips and envies the success of his young rival.
"Black Tulip" - a novel, the main part of whichtells of the adventures of Cornelius, caused by his insatiable desire to grow this rare type of flower. The plot of the work is the denunciation of Boxstel about the storage of the compromising correspondence with the protagonist. The latter is arrested and imprisoned.
However, a young man who suddenly losthis freedom and property, manages to bring along precious onion flower. In prison, he, with the help of the charming daughter of his jailer, Rose, who fell in love with him, begins to grow a tulip. However, he was soon sentenced to death, and Boxtel negotiated with the executioner about the transfer of his opponent’s things in the hope of finding precious onions in her.
"Black Tulip" - a novel whose plot is not sodynamic and effective, as in other books of the writer. However, the skill of the author, the language of the book made this work one of the most successful in his bibliography. The protagonist at the last moment before the execution was pardoned, but they were transferred to another prison, thereby separating from her lover and the onions.
However, the young man informed her of his newwhereabouts with the help of pigeon mail, and after a while Rosa succeeded in transferring her father to the service in the very prison where her beloved was serving a life sentence.
Under his leadership, this simple girl learned to read, and also managed to grow a magnificent flower, for which the prince was declared a fabulous price and a prestigious award.
One of the most successful books in the work of Dumasis the work "Black Tulip". The novel, a brief summary of which is the subject of this review, is built on the contrast between the lines of the main character, fully engaged in growing a flower, a political struggle that unfolded in Holland in 1672.
Boxel, calling himself a false name, entered into confidenceto Rosa's father and began to solder him little by little. Taking advantage of the moment, he stole a precious flower and hurried with him to the main city in order to secure a prize.
However, Rose goes after him and in time.he manages to tell the prince and the jury the story of his beloved, who managed to grow a tulip in difficult conditions. Then William orders to bring Cornelius from prison.
Unexpectedly happy ending ends the work "Black Tulip". Roman Dumas, unlike most of his most famous works, ends safely for the main characters.
Принц великодушно милует Корнелиуса после того, he received a letter from the deceased prince to the main character, which stated that he was not involved in the political struggle in the state. Then he gives the young man a prize and betroths him with Rosa.
The boxel that was present at thishappy ending, could not resist the triumph of his rival: he had enough apoplexy, from which he died. Cornelius was reconciled with his former captor and father-in-law; the latter took the position of gardener in his flower garden.
The basis for several films waswork "Black Tulip". The novel, the film which was first filmed in the distant 1920, has such a dynamic plot and exciting intrigue that it was very easily transferred to the screen four times, and once in the form of a full-length cartoon.
However, unfortunately, none of these tapesacquired the status of a cult, in contrast to the eponymous French adventure picture of 1963 with A. Delon in the title role. From the novel, this film borrowed only the name and image of the flower. The above tapes were issued in different countries: in Germany, Great Britain, Australia.