/ / Why milk turns sour and spoils quickly

Why does milk turn sour and spoils quickly

Milk is a very valuable food.No wonder our ancestors called the home cow "nurse". Due to its unique properties, it is a source of many useful substances and the basis for the production of a large group of dairy and fermented milk products. Such production is possible because of the propensity of the drink to ferment. To understand why milk turns sour, let's see what it consists of.

What substances are contained in milk

Milk is designed to feed the young.mammals. It contains the full range of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of newborns. Nutrient absorption is very high and is close to 95%.

why milk turns sour

Moreover, the milk of animals of different species significantlydiffers in caloric content and quantitative content of biological substances. Let us dwell on the composition of cow's milk. It contains the following substances:

  • Water - 87.5%.
  • Fat - 3.5%.
  • Proteins - casein, albumin, globulin - 3.3%.
  • Milk sugar - lactose - 4.7%.
  • Macro and trace elements (mineral part) - 1%.
  • Vitamins.
  • Enzymes
  • Antibodies that protect newborns from infectious diseases.

There is also a certain amount of milk.bacteria that belong to the normal microflora. They are the answer to the question “Why does milk turn sour?”. The biology of microbes and, as a result, the type of fermentation caused by them, differ.

Bacteria causing desirable fermentation

Lactic acid, propionic acid bacteria, kefir fungi and milk yeast are involved in the “useful” fermentation of milk.

Lactic acid microbes are found in milk.natural conditions and are the main "culprits" of why sour milk. The biology of bacteria is based on the processing of lactose into lactic acid. As a result, the acidity of the drink increases, and protein-casein is rolled. Some types of lactic acid bacteria are introduced into milk specifically for the production of yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented milk cheeses, sour cream and acidophilus. This group includes: acidophilic, Bulgarian and cheese lactic acid sticks; lactic streptococci.

Why does milk biology sour?

Propionic acid bacteria contribute to the milk in the production of cheese. As a result of the processing of milk sugar, propionic and acetic acids are formed and carbon dioxide is released.

Along with lactic fermentation, alcohol fermentation can also occur in milk. It is called specific yeast and is used in the production of kefir.

why not sour homemade milk

For sour milk whole milkenough to leave in a warm place for 1-2 days. But for the manufacture of other products necessary microorganisms contribute to the prepared substrate. This explains why milk will turn sour with this or that result.

Unpleasant sour milk

In addition to the desired fermentation, somemicroorganisms cause butyric fermentation. That is why sour milk is bitter. Spore-forming butyric acid bacteria convert dairy sugar into carbon dioxide, butyric acid and hydrogen. As a result, the milk gets a bitter taste and unpleasant smell. Such fermentation occurs mainly in sterilized and pasteurized milk, as well as in cheeses. The fact is that the butyric microbes transfer the boiling point for a long time (up to 30 minutes) and remain the only inhabitants able to ferment the product.

Another reason why milk sours andacquires an unpleasant taste; there may be putrefactive bacteria that develop in fresh milk in case of its contamination and in violation of storage conditions. Putrefactive bacteria affect the product at temperatures below + 10 ° C, lactic acid viable at + 10 ° C - + 20 ° C. Unlike lactic acid, putrefactive microbes do not die during pasteurization, therefore milk from a bag often “gets rotten” rather than fermented. In this case, the microorganisms break down proteins and milk fats, which leads to the appearance of degradation products with a characteristic rancid or rotten odor.

Why milk sour quickly

The speed of fermentation of milk depends on several factors.

  • The optimum temperature for the development of lactic acid bacteria is from + 30 ° C to + 40 ° C. At this temperature, the milk sours very quickly. So keep the product in the refrigerator at + 4 ° C.
  • Milk bought in the store quickly sour evenwhen stored in the refrigerator due to violation of production technology. These can be: failure to comply with the sanitary regime on the farm during milking and transportation, failure in the process of sterilizing the product, compromising the integrity of the packaging, poor quality packaging and so on.

It should be noted that for fresh milkripening is a natural process, at room temperature it begins approximately 12-24 hours after sowing from one cow. Mixed milk sours faster. To extend the shelf life, such technological methods as pasteurization and sterilization are used. They are based on the temperature treatment of the product, but differ in the mode of exposure.


Milk is pasteurized in several ways:

  • Stand 30 minutes at + 65 ° C.
  • At a temperature of + 75 ° C for from 15 to 40 seconds.
  • Temperature + 85 ° С, processing time 8-10 seconds.

Такое молоко сохраняет значительную часть vitamins and enzymes, and most bacteria die. "In the ranks" are only heat-resistant microbes. This explains why milk does not turn sour for a long time. Pasteurized milk is stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Also, this product is used to introduce various microorganisms and create directional fermentation.

The most optimal way to keep the maximumuseful substances - ultrapasteurization. With this technology, milk is exposed to high temperature (+ 135 ° C) for 3-4 seconds. Then the product is cooled to + 4 ° C and packaged in sterile packaging. Unlike conventional pasteurization, persistent spore forms (including putrefactive bacteria) die. Ultrapasteurized milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.


Sterilization kills all microorganisms.Such milk is sterile, packaged in aseptic containers, it has a shelf life of up to 12 months. Everyone knows why homemade milk does not sour after boiling, because bacteria die. But at home it is not possible to carry out high-temperature processing and provide a working area and aseptic packaging free from bacteria. But in industrial conditions, milk is sterilized at a temperature of +120 - + 150 ° С for 20-30 minutes.

why is cow milk not souring
Such a product has less value because most vitamins and enzymes are destroyed. Nor can lactic acid derivatives be prepared from it.

Do not sour milk from a domestic cow?

Другой причиной, почему не скисает коровье milk, there may be metabolic disorders in the body of cows. With an incorrect ratio in the feed of sugar and protein, with protein overfeeding, a disease called “ketosis” occurs. Ketone milk is very harmful for the human body, it practically does not get sour, and sour cream with a bitter taste is obtained from the separated cream.

Souring Milk Products

Dairy products are known since ancient times.Each culture has its own ways of preparing this wonderful and healthy food. They differ mainly in the initial composition of milk and injected ferment.

  • Sour milk is easy to make at home.To do this, in a warm boiled milk add the leaven - a spoonful of yogurt or sour cream. Kept in a warm place for about a day. Ryazhenka is Ukrainian sour milk from baked milk.
  • Acidophilus is recommended for people with bowel disease. The product perfectly restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fruit and berry fillers are often added to yogurt.
    why milk does not sour for a long time
  • Kefir comes in different varieties.Kefir fungi introduced into the original product, cause lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. The alcohol content in the drink ranges from 0.2% to 0.6%, depending on the duration of maturation. You can prepare kefir at home, but for this you need to get a fungus culture. In ancient times, kefir was so valued that they fermented vigilantly from the eyes of others and passed from mother to daughter as a dowry.
    why sour milk is bitter
  • Kumis is prepared by the peoples of Central Asia from mare's or camel's milk. It has healing properties for diseases of the stomach and intestines, and tuberculosis.
  • Cheese, cottage cheese, and butter are also produced with the participation of a variety of starters.
    why milk quickly sours

Хранят молоко и молочнокислые продукты в чистой closed dishes, observing the temperature conditions and terms indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Adhere to the recommendations, and the question “Why does milk sour quickly?” Will not arise. If there are no clear instructions on the storage mode, focus on the temperature of + 4 ° C - it is suitable for almost all dairy products. Remember that dairy food requires careful attention, and spoiled food can cause serious poisoning.

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