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What you can do weight loss exercises

Fitball is a gymnastic balllarge size, designed to perform exercises on the entire musculature of the body. It was invented by a Swiss physiotherapist in the middle of the last century for health and rehabilitation procedures. Recovery programs were aimed at improving children with injuries of the spine, vestibular apparatus, central nervous system.

Over time, the ball began to be used in gyms,

fitness ball
centers and at home as asimulator. Exercises on fitbole for weight loss contribute to weight loss, strengthening and tightening muscles. With regular exercise and dieting, a positive result comes very quickly.

Fitness with the ball is quite strongbalance and improves posture, increases the flexibility of the body, promotes the manifestation of the relief of the abdominal muscles, increases endurance and muscle strength. Classes with a fitball accelerate the metabolism in the body, strengthen the dorsal muscles, burn fatty deposits. Fitness ball is an inexpensive simulator, it can be purchased at any sports shop. Usually fitball selected for growth. Some models of balls are issued with spikes or pimples, which have an additional massage effect during classes.

exercises on fitbole for weight loss

Exercises on fitbel for slimming and strengthening of muscles

  • Squats. 12 squats are executed with an even back and with a ball in outstretched arms. During lifting, the housing alternately rotates left and right.
  • Отжимания.Put your hands on the ball, kick your feet against the floor. Perform 10 flexions in the elbow joint before touching the fitball. At first, the position of the hull will be unstable, but after a few trainings the balance will become stable. To complicate the movement of the hands rest on the floor, and the ball is put under the hips, knees or feet.
  • TricepsPutting the ball against the wall, you should turn your back to it, sit down and put your palms on the ball (fingers pointing towards you). 10 deep squats are performed, during which the palms firmly hold the fitball.
  • Upper press and inner thighs.Sitting on the floor and leaning on your elbows, perform 10 elevations of your legs at an angle of 45 degrees from the floor (with the fitness ball clamped by your feet). Another variation: lifting the body at the same angle from the floor surface, while the legs are on the fitball.
  • Нижний пресс.Lying on his back, his hands put on the back of his head. Legs bent at the knees, hold fitball heels. 12 lifts of legs and buttocks are performed. At the top point, you need to linger and tighten the abdominal muscles.
  • Buttocks. The body is on the floor and the legs bent at the knees are on the ball. 20 pelvic elevations are performed, during which it is necessary to strongly strain the muscles of the buttocks.

Fitness with a ball

All exercises on fitball for weight lossperformed in four sets. After acquiring some skill and balance, these movements can be carried out with weights, putting them on your ankles or wrists. It is also allowed to use dumbbells during loading. After a workout, you need to drink water or unsweetened tea. It is better to abstain from eating for at least two hours.

In addition to physical activity, exercises on fitball for weight loss bring a lot of positive emotions.

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