The subject of weight loss is topical for mostwomen. Diets and sports loads, pool, sauna - all this requires a lot of temporary, as well as financial costs. When the time limit is severely limited, the help comes the fat-burning wraps at home. Judging by the feedback, the effectiveness of such events can be staggering. According to the girls who tested this method, wraps allow to remove toxins, rejuvenate and tighten the skin, improve its color and smooth the surface, rid of cellulite and stretch marks. Today we will consider the most effective wrapping options, as today there are a lot of them.
This question is best addressed to nutritionists.Fat-burning wraps at home, in their opinion, is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures, it can also be called the oldest. Its popularity (from ancient times to today) is due to its simplicity, accessibility and incredible effectiveness. And even more recently, fat-burning wraps at home were considered an ideal way only to combat cellulite. However, observing the results, cosmetologists became more and more convinced that these procedures can significantly reduce the volume in some parts of the body, help to remove swelling and form a beautiful waistline.
Again, the experts are right:do not rely on the fact that the fat-burning wraps (at home performed) will allow you to become instantly slimmer, especially if wrapped in a film, you sit on the sofa and drink tea with sweets. To get the effect, you need at least to do sports and it is advisable to revise your menu. Then you are guaranteed a flat and neat tummy. At a minimum, it is necessary to increase physical activity, that is, walk more.
Beauty salons often lure you to the receptionbeautiful advertising. However, if you believe the reviews, a little prepared, you can do the same procedure at home, with much less cost. The most effective course will be a course of 10-14 procedures that are performed every other day. The ideal option is to make this day unloading. For example, spend a day on kefir, green tea or vegetable salad. A four-week course will give an amazing result. Of these, you one day will eat whatever you want (within reason), and the second day to adhere to a strict diet.
Fat-burning wraps for the abdomen in the homeconditions are best performed on an empty stomach, the best option is between 22:00 and 24:00. If you had dinner at 7 pm, then this is the ideal time to wrap, parallel to drinking green tea and going to bed.
Indeed, it is difficult to come up with another product,which contained so many useful biologically active substances. That's why the honey fat-burning wraps are so popular at home. Recipes are simple and understandable, their basis is always honey. If you have an allergy to beekeeping products, it is best to choose another option.
Let's talk a little more about practice.You will need several tablespoons of honey. Preheat them on a steam bath and apply a thin layer on the skin. Usually handled problem areas, hips, abdomen, buttocks. Now wrap tightly with food wrap, then with a sheet, and finally you can go under the blanket.
Effective fat-burning wrap in the homeconditions is possible when there is a system, so do not limit yourself to two or three procedures. In addition, honey can be varied with various essential oils: citrus, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon. It is enough to add just a few drops to improve the effect of the procedure. As a result, the skin is tightened, smoothed and becomes elastic.
If you paid attention, it was thisthe component contains almost all branded fat-burning wraps for the feet. At home, you can repeat this experience with minimal cost. To do this, buy a seaweed in the pharmacy. Best if it is kelp. You should decide what kind of wrap it will be - cold or hot. In the first case, algae are flooded with cool water, in the second, its temperature is about 38 degrees. The soaked plates are placed on problem areas and fixed with a food film. Be sure to wear warm clothes if you plan to move, or wrap yourself in a blanket.
The reviews impress:one such procedure can reduce the waist by a couple of centimeters and noticeably tighten the skin. This is due to the fact that algae are rich in valuable substances and generously divide them. You can make combined wraps by adding essential oils, honey, pepper or cinnamon to enhance the effect.
To date, this is the most advertisedfat-burning wraps (at home). Reviews confirm that their regular use allows you to achieve very good results. In addition, to spend several hours in a chocolate cloud is very pleasant. Your skin gets nutrition and hydration, in addition, chocolate provides an anti-stress effect.
First of all, a positive resultis achieved due to cocoa butter, which is contained in a treat in a small amount. For this reason, it is practically useless to take ordinary cocoa: from it all this valuable product is squeezed to the last drop. The complex of antioxidants contained in the mentioned oil not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also strengthens its resistance to aging, and also improves blood supply.
You have two options.In the first case, you need to dissolve the chocolate in a water bath (necessarily black chocolate, with the maximum content of cocoa beans). Cool to warm gruel and apply to the body. Next procedure is the same: wrapped in a film, put on warm pants - and forward to the exercise bike.
The second option is slightly cheaper. Buy cocoa butter, and in order to enjoy the smell of chocolate, add cocoa powder to it. So you will not be bothered by conscience for the translated chocolate.
This option excellently activates the exchangeprocesses, moisturizes and cleanses the skin. Due to the fact that the clay is able to draw toxins, the skin quickly clears, becomes tender and supple. Important! For this, only blue clay is used. She is bred in warm water to the state of gruel, put on problem spots and cover them with a film. Now you need to lie down under the blanket for about an hour. Prepare yourself a warm tea, it will help strengthen the exchange processes.
As you can see, there are a large number of recipes,which will allow you to quickly and without extra costs to adjust your figure. Just remember that each of these procedures must be carried out by the course: at least 14 times, every other day. In addition, experts warn that some formulations can cause allergies, so carefully read the contraindications.