/ / The best vitamins for pregnant women: a list, reviews and a way of application. What are the best vitamins for pregnant women in the opinion of doctors?

The most good vitamins for pregnant women: list, reviews and way of use. What are the best vitamins for pregnant women in the opinion of doctors?

It is difficult to argue with the statement that pregnancy -a special period in the life of every woman. The birth of a new life and its development, the expectation of the emergence of a new man in the family and the pleasant troubles associated with the preparation for childbirth - what could be better? And, of course, all future mothers want only the best for their baby. And for the proper development of the future man, it is necessary to combine a whole complex of vitamins, which as a whole help to form the skeleton of the baby, his brain and other vital organs.

the best vitamins for pregnant women

Unfortunately, in the modern world, women rarelythere is the opportunity to eat properly and regularly, and here come to the aid of various vitamin complexes, designed to fill the lack of this or that element in the body of the future mother, from which the kid draws his resources. Of course, every woman in this exciting period wants to know what the best vitamins for pregnant women exist, what is the advantage of some in front of others and on what complex will ultimately decide their choice.

Features of vitamins for pregnant women

Multivitamins that are used forpregnancy, are different from the usual complexes, so it is important to drink only special drugs intended for a particular period of life. When the question arises, what vitamins for pregnant women are the best, reviews of girlfriends are not the determining criterion. It is necessary to remember that what has come to one person does not necessarily help another. Only a doctor who observes the patient both during pregnancy and before her can most accurately prescribe drugs suitable for her. To do this, special tests can be prescribed, because the excess of elements in the body is no better than their lack.

The need for women in vitamins is constantly growingas the baby grows. Thus, the peculiarity of vitamin complexes for pregnant women is a greater content of vital elements, compared with conventional drugs, providing the opportunity to satiate the needs of the body. That is why, when deciding which vitamins for pregnant women are the best, it is necessary to take into account the development of the baby. As a rule, reception of a complex is appointed already after the 12th week of pregnancy, in the absence of other indications.

What should contain vitamins for pregnant women?

In addition to vitamin complexes, there areindividual drugs designed to fill the deficit in the body of certain elements. For example, folic acid, which is prescribed even before pregnancy, during the planning period, and "Jodomarin", which saturates the body with iodine. In addition to these two elements, in vitamins for pregnant women must be present calcium, which affects the correct formation of the skeleton of the baby.

what vitamins for pregnant women are the best

Thus, necessarily in multivitamins shouldpresent these three elements. In addition, it should be noted that in the complexes, the content of iodine, as a rule, does not exceed 150 μg. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish it in the body by applying an additional iodine-containing drug or by including in your diet seaweed, fish and any seafood.

Pregnancy planning: choose vitamins correctly

The stage, when the decision on conception ripened, hascrucial to ensure the most comfortable conditions for the birth and birth of a healthy baby. On how correct this period was, it directly depends on how pregnancy itself will proceed.

Planning a pregnancy means for bothpartners need to undergo a full examination for the presence of chronic diseases and infections, and for a woman also taking certain vitamins. The drug, which must be started immediately, after a conscious decision about the future of motherhood - is folic acid (vitamin B9). Its reception is considered the best prevention of defects in the formation of the nervous system of the future baby. If the pregnancy occurred unexpectedly, the drug should be used immediately after the pregnancy is confirmed. The fact that it can be drunk before a visit to a doctor is an important criterion by which he is included in the list of "the best vitamins for pregnant women." Reviews about him are only positive from both medical professionals and from his expectant mothers.

the best vitamins for pregnant women

Another important element at this stage is vitaminE, which improves the reproductive functions of the body and provides optimal conditions for the development of the baby. In addition, it is a good prevention of such pathologies as miscarriage and a frozen pregnancy.

Thus, it is these two trace elements that are most needed during this period.

First trimester: what vitamins are needed?

As in the planning period, afterthe onset of pregnancy, in 1 trimester, the need for vitamins begins to slowly increase. However, many doctors agree that the best vitamins for pregnant women in the early stages are proper, balanced nutrition and positive emotions. As a rule, gynecologists prescribe multivitamins after 12 weeks, when the future resources of the expectant mother do not fully cope with the growing needs of the body. At this stage, it is believed that the use of folic acid, as well as vitamins A, E, C and iodine. This choice is explained as follows:

  • folic acid serves as a prevention of disorders of the nervous system of the unborn child and severe malformations;
  • Vitamin A helps to properly form the nervous system, the visual apparatus and the skeleton;
  • Vitamin E is the prevention of miscarriages, and also helps the correct formation of the placenta;
  • vitamin C enhances immunity, thereby increasing the body's resistance to various viruses and infections, which prevents premature termination of pregnancy;
  • Iodine is extremely important in the process of proper formation of the nervous system and thyroid gland.

This combination suggests a group called "the best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester."

Second trimester: the right choice of vitamins

After the 12th week begins the rapid development of the future baby and the formation of its vital organs. To provide it with the necessary resources, it is necessary to begin taking vitamin complexes.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in this period are those that are sufficiently contained:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • iodine.

Iron is needed to reduce the riskthe occurrence of anemia during pregnancy. Hemoglobin, which consists of it, carries oxygen throughout the body and delivers the baby. In addition, it is iron that is actively involved in the process of protein synthesis, through which muscles are formed. Among other things, the lack of iron can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus.

what vitamins for pregnant women are the best reviews

Iodine is prescribed early in the pregnancy,however, the need for it increases significantly in the second trimester. It is important in the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, as well as the development of his mental abilities. Lack of iodine significantly disrupts the metabolism of the expectant mother, causing general weakness and overweight.

Calcium is actively involved in the formation of the skeleton,endocrine system and kidney kid, so its correct use is extremely important in the second trimester. It is noteworthy that this trace element is poorly extracted from food, so it is desirable to use it in finished form.

It is this combination of microelements in the 2nd trimester that answers the question: “Which vitamins for pregnant women are the best?”. Reviews of doctors and expectant mothers confirm this information.

Third trimester: vitamins

The last three months of pregnancy are the most difficult.The future baby is already quite strong, tremors and movements are becoming more palpable, the belly increases, which leads to some physical discomfort. In the last months of pregnancy, it is difficult to choose a comfortable sleeping position, and housework becomes quite burdensome. At the same time, the baby continues to actively develop, he still needs resources to form. The main trace elements that are needed at this stage of pregnancy are:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D.
  • magnesium.

Витамин С улучшает работу иммунной системы expectant mother, which is especially important in the 3rd trimester. Any disease at this stage can lead to sad results. That is why it is extremely important to have a good immunity, especially if the last months of pregnancy occurred during a flu epidemic.

Vitamin D is the prevention of rickets in the futurebaby and helps to properly form the skeleton in late pregnancy. This vitamin can be obtained from the sun, so if the 3rd trimester fell on the summer months, you need to spend more time in the sun, while not forgetting about skin protection.

Magnesium is a preventive component of preterm labor, which is especially important at this stage of pregnancy.

Высокое содержание в препарате этих trace elements in the 3rd trimester - the most good vitamins for pregnant women. Reviews of medical professionals at the same time clarify that taking vitamins at this time is not a mandatory measure. It depends on the state of the future mother and the results of the analyzes.

The most good vitamins for pregnant women list

Today there are manyvitamin complexes designed to replenish the body of the future mother with essential trace elements. Given the large selection of drugs, it is difficult to determine which vitamins for pregnant women are the best.

most good vitamins for pregnant women reviews

Однако сейчас есть комплексы, наиболее широко used in practice. They are considered the best multivitamins that provide the future mother's body with all the necessary trace elements in sufficient quantities.

"Minisan Multivitamin Mama", -vitamin-mineral complex of European quality (production of Finland). Thanks to a well-balanced composition, Minisan Mama can be taken when planning pregnancy, during pregnancy, and during breastfeeding. In addition to folic acid and iron in its composition a large amount of magnesium and iodine (a rarity for similar drugs).

Also good vitamins for pregnant women are:

  • Alphabet for Pregnant Women;
  • "Vitrum Prenatal", "Vitrum Prenatal Forte";
  • "Materna";
  • Pregnaca;
  • "Elevit Prenatal";
  • "Fembion".

According to experts, these drugsare the most suitable vitamins during pregnancy in the absence of contraindications. Despite the fact that they contain all the necessary trace elements, their number is different for each drug. That is why only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable for a particular woman a complex of vitamins. An independent choice in this case is not advisable.

The method of use of vitamin complexes for pregnant women

The most good vitamins for pregnant women, the namewhich was mentioned above, should be taken once a day, in the morning after breakfast. If there is no other testimony of the doctor, the drugs should be taken in accordance with the instructions. Usually one course is a month, after which it is necessary to pass tests and determine whether to take the drug further. As a rule, if the expectant mother lives in a favorable climate area, the need for taking vitamin complexes is not constant. You should not abuse them, even if it is the best vitamins for pregnant women.

Opinion of doctors

As a rule, any gynecologist on this or thatthe stage of pregnancy designates the future mother intake of vitamins. However, all experts agree that the most correct way is to obtain the necessary trace elements naturally, through food and sunlight. It must be remembered that even the best vitamins for pregnant women is a medicine, and there is no reason to take medicines without urgent need. In addition, the receipt of trace elements should be preceded by a thorough examination of the body with blood donation. This is necessary in order to prevent hypervitaminosis, which is possible if the balance of drug intake is not followed. Every expectant mother should be aware of the degree of her responsibility for the correct reception of the complexes, which in any case affects the health of the baby.

most good vitamins for pregnant list

Если получать нужные микроэлементы естественным by, the risk of hypervitaminosis is completely absent. That is why, according to doctors, the best vitamins for pregnant women are the right, balanced diet, walking and absorbing positive emotions. In addition, health professionals warn that excessive use of vitamins during pregnancy and lactation can lead to allergic reactions in the baby in the future.

The best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews

Despite the skepticism of doctors, it is difficultto find a woman who, while pregnant, would not take vitamins. This is due to the fact that not all future mothers can properly and balancedly eat for various reasons. This may be a lack of funds, lack of time for full and frequent cooking, hard work and other factors. In such a situation, the intake of vitamins solves the problem of saturation of the body, and hence the future baby, with microelements necessary for him. That is why in recent years, taking vitamins during pregnancy gained such popularity. If you want to select the best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews of women taking them may be helpful. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of multivitamins that are in the list of the best.

  1. «Алфавит для беременных».The advantage of this drug is to take into account the interaction of all the microelements contained in it. Vitamins are available in tablets of three different colors, so you can refuse a certain, in the case of an allergic reaction. In addition, it is in this complex contains the largest amount of iodine, so that there is no need for additional intake. The disadvantage of this drug is a small amount of folic acid, so up to 12 weeks of supplemental intake of this vitamin is necessary.
  2. «Витрум Пренатал».The main advantage of this drug, due to which it is very popular among gynecologists, is its high iron content. It is sufficient for the prevention of anemia at all stages of pregnancy, and for its treatment at the initial stage. In addition, there is plenty of folic acid. The minus of the drug in the absence of iodine, however, this disadvantage is compensated in the complex “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”.
  3. "Materna".Judging by the composition, there is a sufficient amount of iodine and folic acid. However, reviews indicate that this drug has a significant drawback - a high content of vitamin A and B vitamins, which is often the cause of many allergic reactions.
  4. "Pregnavit".Reviews of this vitamin complex are mostly positive, it contains all the necessary vitamins during pregnancy. However, there is also no iodine, which requires an additional intake of iodine-containing drugs.
  5. "Elevit Prenatal."This drug receives a lot of positive reviews. The advantage noted by both doctors and future mothers is the high content of magnesium, which is the best prevention of abortion. In addition, it significantly improves blood circulation, and this is quite important during pregnancy.

most good vitamins for pregnant women title

Nevertheless, we should not forget that anyA complex of vitamins, regardless of its quality, has its own contraindications. That is why to choose the best vitamins for pregnant women and how to use should only a doctor who watches a woman throughout pregnancy.

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