/ / Cookies for children, recipes. Oat homemade cookies. Recipe for cookies for children

Cookies for children, recipes. Oat homemade cookies. Recipe for cookies for children

Какой ребенок откажется от сладкой и ароматной baking? But store options often contain harmful dyes and preservatives. Not every manufacturer really manufactures safe products that meet state quality standards, so we will prepare cookies for children on our own. Recipes will be presented in this article. Easily, quickly and simply you will be able to make amazingly tasty, healthy and, most importantly, safe baking for your little ones with your own hands.

cookies for children recipes

To give the original form it is possible handymeans (glasses, glasses, figured forms). As fillings are added dried fruits, jams, nuts, berries and even chocolate. Decorate the baking with mastic, sugar powder or whipped cream. Sugar can be replaced with honey or a banana - it's up to you. Enough demagoguery - proceed directly to the cooking process.

A simple recipe for galetny cookies

For children, it is prepared using specialmolds (stars, circles, flowers). They are sold in any store and are inexpensive. This recipe does not contain animal fats, butter and eggs, which is why the product is allowed to be given to one-year-old kids. Cookies prepared in this way will not cause allergies and negative phenomena from the intestinal tract.

We need: one hundred grams of whey, wheat flour (400 grams), one banana and a pinch of vanillin.

The listed products combine and formlayer of dough. From the resulting circle cut curly products and send them to bake until golden brown. Top (if desired) can be powdered with powdered sugar. Here is a dietary cookie turned out for children. The recipes for home baking of the available ingredients are described below.

Cottage cheese curd

homemade oatmeal cookies

Предварительно растопите пачку сливочного масла (two hundred grams) and leave it in a bowl to cool. During this time, rubbing two hundred grams of cottage cheese (preferably low-fat) with a few spoons of sugar or honey. In this mass, add banana, pounded with a fork, a little lemon juice and cooled oil. Roll out the dough, make small circles with the help of a small glass, put it into shape and lubricate with a beaten egg. We bake until the crust becomes golden brown.


Composition: about a hundred grams of flour, ground almonds (50 g), powdered sugar (1/4 cup), butter (one hundred grams), vanillin.

Since baking is done literally in a fewminutes, it is better to turn on and preheat the oven. In deep dishes mix the sifted flour (so that the dough is airy), ground almonds, powder and vanilla. Mix the mass thoroughly and add butter, knead the dough. Roll out a rather thin tortilla and cut curly circles out of it. We shift on a baking sheet, sprinkle with powder on top and bake no more than 20 minutes.

Sand dainty

shortbread recipes for kids

Shortbread recipes for kids are intended.older than a year, since they include butter, milk and sugar. This cooking method is very simple and does not require special culinary skill.

Prepare: flour (two glasses), milk (half a glass), butter (two hundred grams), sugar (one hundred grams), vanilla.

Mix butter with sugar and vanilla.to a fluffy uniform consistency. In a thin stream pour warm milk into the mass, add sugar and sifted flour. As a result, the dough we get liquid, like pancakes.

We pour it into a pastry bag, on hisput on the end of a jagged tip and drop small flowers right on the baking sheet, away from each other. Bake only in a hot oven (200C) for 20 minutes. You can determine the readiness by increasing the volume and ruddy crust several times. Shortbread biscuits for children will delight with the matchless taste and aroma.

homemade cookie recipes for kids

Рецепты, описанные выше, совсем несложные.But we will not stop at this, we offer to get acquainted with other culinary masterpieces of baby food - a useful, calcium-fortified delicacy made from cottage cheese and rolled oat flakes. Most kids do not recognize the cottage cheese, so we will disguise it. Such cottage cheese and oatmeal homemade cookies will surely please your fidgets.

Required components: two eggs, oatmeal flakes (a little less than a glass), cottage cheese (two hundred grams), granulated sugar (to taste), a large spoonful of sour cream, butter (two spoons) and vanilla.


- chop the curd;

- grind flakes in a blender to a crumb-like state;

- we mix the prepared products, we add sugar, vanilla there too;

- whisk mix the butter with the eggs and pour the mixture to the curd mass, knead the dough;

- sculpt oval cakes;

- lay a parchment paper form, lubricate it with oil and spread the product;

- cover the baking with sour cream and sprinkle with sugar, bake no more than half an hour at 20 ° C. Ready oatmeal homemade cookies served with honey. The most delicate delicacy for tea will be enjoyed by adults too.

Sugar (shortbread) cookies

recipe for kids biscuits

Ingredients: three hundred grams of sour cream, flour (six hundred grams), butter (two hundred grams), baking powder (10 g), granulated sugar (cup). For sourness, you can add grated orange or lemon zest.

Pound sugar with butter, add sour cream(it is better to take 15 percent fat content). Then to the mixture it is necessary to add baking powder and sifted flour, knead the dough. Wrap it in film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. After a certain time, roll out the layer and cut out beautiful figures from it. Bake for half an hour. You can even serve sugar cookies for children to the festive table.

Recipes for homemade pastry for babies suggestuse only fresh and natural products. Call for the help of your fidget, let him sculpt little animals and butterflies of dough on his own, stuff the products with dried fruits, fresh berries, canned fruits. Believe me, your baby will be delighted with the cooking process itself.

chocolate covered biscuits

Fortified vegetable delicacy

Composition: carrots, beets, broccoli, flour (three glasses), sugar (optional), milk (1/4 cup). All vegetables are taken raw.

Step-by-step cooking:

- we rub vegetables in different plates (as a result, we get 3 different-colored masses);

- add a glass of flour and some sugar to each mixture;

- pour milk into a plate with broccoli;

- we form a product in the form of a vegetable from each piece of dough and bake for 20 minutes.

Recipes for homemade cookies for children can beinvent yourself. Imagine, experiment, add those products that your child loves. Everything is in your hands, have a good time!

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