Unemployment is one of the most negativesocio-economic phenomena. Its high indicators speak of the plight of the state and the improper organization of government. Although completely consider unemployment a negative phenomenon, too, it is not, it is rather a neutral form, having both its pluses and its minuses. First of all, this form is frictional unemployment.
The frictional type of unemployment isthe time interval between dismissal from the previous position for one reason or another and the transition to a new place of work. Such a process is quite normal in the development of any state, regardless of whether the economy is in a state of ascent or fall. Frictional unemployment is a kind of social mobility, and this mobility can be both vertical and horizontal. Vertical mobility is associated with the transition to a higher-paid position. The horizontal is the most common frictional unemployment. It is understood as moving to a new place of residence when a citizen is forced to resign from his previous job and for some time to be in search of a new job that will correspond to his professional skills or other desire (for example, high pay).
The frictional unemployment is not only thosecitizens who quit their jobs, but also those who are just beginning to look for it. These include young professionals who graduated from an educational institution, received a specialty, and now must get a job. To do this is much more difficult for them than for those who have already been working for a number of years. Numerous employers pay great attention to experience and experience, which in fact, beginners do not actually have.
Frictional unemployment stands somewhat apartfrom all other types of unemployment. Many experts say that it is a phenomenon that only contributes to the development of the economy. When a person leaves his previous place of work, for example, to increase, he thereby allows another unemployed to take his former place. Although even this fact does not give the right to consider frictional unemployment quite normal, because whatever type of unemployment is considered, it is still more or less negative, and, therefore, can not be considered completely positive.
In general, frictional unemployment is consideredas a factor that does not pose a significant threat to the economic and social development of the state. Although its high level, when the number of unemployed sharply increases - this is nothing but a clear symptom of not the best changes in the labor market.
It should be noted that this typeunemployment has some similarity with another type - structural unemployment. The latter is the dismissal of employees who do not fit the requirements set by the employer. An example of structural unemployment may be the following: the employer, in connection with the introduction of computer technologies in the workplace, is forced to fire those workers who do not have the skills to handle such equipment. Instead, the employer will employ new employees who will be well versed in the new kind of work. Apparently, this kind of unemployment, despite the similarity with the friction one, is more dangerous for the economy, since those workers who were laid off will be out of the labor market and not the fact that they will be able to find work in their specialty.
Whatever character is not frictionunemployment, positive or negative, it is important to constantly monitor its indicators and the number of unemployed. Continuous management of these processes is the key to the stable development of the economy and the state as a whole.