/ / Boris Ravenskikh: biography, creative and pedagogical activity

Boris Ravenskikh: biography, creative and educational activities

Ravenskikh Boris Ivanovich - the most beautiful director and theater actor, teacher. He has a rich creative biography and a large number of state awards and prizes.


Boris Ravensky born in Leningrad seventeenthJune 1914, although at the grave, and in some official documents of this remarkable director, the year of birth of 1912 is indicated. Where such confusion about the date of birth of a talented director originated is unknown.

Boris Ivanovich's father was born in a small villageYushkovo Kursk province. He had excellent musical details. Therefore, he was given to the choir of one of the monasteries when he was ten years old. There he was noticed, and the auditor, who came from Leningrad, took the teenager with him to the city to sing in the choir of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

Boris Ravenskikh

When the young man’s voice was already formed,he was invited to the theater choir, where he performed with Fyodor Chaliapin. It was said about Boris Ivanovich’s father that he could easily put out all the candles that were in the same room with his strong solo singing.

Одновременно Иван Васильевич пел и в хоре Eliseevskaya church, where he met with Alexandra Epifailovna Solovieva, who through time became his wife. The mother of a famous theatrical director belonged to an ancient Count family, but she tried to hide it under the Soviet regime.

Boris Ravensky always wondered howhis mother was educated, since she not only had time to raise five children, but read well and fluently, and also spoke excellent French. It is known that Alexandra Epifailovna was a graduate of the institute of noble maidens.

Борис был младшим ребенком в семье.But the wedding of the parents took place after his birth. The mother of a famous theater director and actor died during the Siege of Leningrad into the Great Patriotic War.


Boris Ravensky after the civil warmoves with his family from Leningrad to his native village Yushkovo, which is located in the Kursk region. But there was no school in the village, so Boris had to study in Stary Oskol. Boris Ravensky graduated from his seven-year education in 1929. Even during his school years he began to get involved in theater, but he never went on stage himself, but only helped organize performances. This is his passion for the theater was noted in the diploma of seven years of education. The document indicated that he had a penchant for dramatic art.

Work in the theater

В конце 1920-х годов будущий известный режиссер Boris Ravensky returned to Leningrad, but could not enter the theater institute, failing the exams. On the other hand, he immediately entered the theater of working youth, headed by M. Sokolsky.

The young man made two more attempts to go to college, the third of which was crowned with success. Boris Ivanovich becomes an acting faculty student.

Ravenskikh Boris Ivanovich

But for a long time at this institute and at this faculty, Boris Ravenskikh did not linger and transferred to the institute of the performing arts, choosing the directing department.

Theatrical life

In the first year at the Institute of Performing Arts, Boris Ivanovich becomes an assistant to his teacher in the Moscow theater. There he worked until 1938, until it was closed.

In the same year he moved to the "Modern Theater",where he was able to independently perform the first production. In 1940, he was sent to practice at the Moscow Art Theater and already in 1941 he was entrusted with becoming the director of the opera studio, which was organized at the theater.

Boris Ravensky and his women

В 1949 году он переходит в столичный театр сатиры.It was there that his new production, A Wedding with a Dowry, came out, which not only collected full houses, but was also filmed on film in 1953. The flowering of theatrical creativity of Boris Ravensky falls on the period from 1940 to 1950. A talented director has been staged a lot of performances that both viewers and critics like.

В 1960 году Борис Равенских, фото которого presented in this article, was appointed chief director of the well-known metropolitan drama theater named after Alexander Pushkin. For a talented director begins a fruitful period when he puts a large number of performances. Such success and creative enthusiasm accompanied Boris Ivanovich for ten years.

В 1970 году новое назначение – директором Малого theater. Leaving the drama theater, he brought with him to the new place and talented actors, so staging performances on the new stage remains at a high professional level.

Teaching Activities

In 1977 he was invited to GITIS. Boris Ivanovich was engaged in teaching for a long time. Soon at the Department of Dramatic Direction he was awarded the title of professor.

Boris Ravenskikh, personal life

Among those who were students of Boris Ivanovich, many famous and talented actors. These are Valery Belyakovich, Valery Rybakov and many others.

Music in the performances of Ravensky

Большое внимание в своих спектаклях Борис Ravensky paid music. The famous and talented director believed that it was impossible to achieve the effect of perception from the viewer, if you do not use music. After all, only she can unite actors, musicians, and spectators into a single whole.

According to Boris Ivanovich himself, musichelps to convey to the viewer everything that the director wanted to say with his performance, is a kind of link between the plot of the play and the viewer. Therefore, already in 1978, he left his native walls, in which he staged many performances, and transferred to the Bolshoi Theater, where he embodies his dream and combines the dramatic and musical beginning in his productions.

director Boris Ravenskikh

На сцене этого театра Борис Иванович занимает productions of operas One of the most popular is the Snow Maiden work by Rimsky – Korsakov. And in 1980, he realized another dream and created his own theater. He wanted to gather all of his students to stage a play where drama and music could connect. But on January 10, 1980, without having realized his plans, Boris Ivanovich died.

Boris Ravensky and his women

Women in the life of the famous and talentedthere was a lot of director. It is known that only official marriages were three. Boris Ravensky, whose personal life has always been public, never told about his first wife. Therefore, there is no information about it.

The second wife of this talented man was Lilia Gritsenko, who starred in movies and played in the theater. Lily Olimpievna is also known as a beautiful opera singer.

Boris Ravenskikh photo

The third wife of Boris Ravensky - Galina Kiryushina,popular theater actress. She gave birth to two daughters in this marriage: Alexandra and Galina. The eldest daughter followed in the footsteps of her father, becoming not only an actress, but also a director. There is a well-known and popular film director and two grandchildren: Dmitry Polonsky, who is a race car driver, and Alina.

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