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Methodology of scientific research

A method is understood as the set of operations andtechniques, with the help of which, practically and theoretically, one can study and master reality. Thanks to the method, a person is armed with a system of rules, principles and requirements, using which he can achieve and achieve the goal. Owning one way or another, a person can figure out in what sequence and how to perform certain actions to solve a particular problem.

Studying methods for a long time is engaged ina whole field of knowledge - the methodology of scientific research. In Greek, the notion of "methodology" is translated - "the doctrine of methods." Fundamentals of modern methodology were laid down in the science of modern times. Thus, in ancient Egypt, geometry was a form of regulatory prescriptions, with the help of which the sequence of procedures for measuring land allotments was determined. The study of methodology involved and scientists such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle.

While studying the laws of humancognitive activity, the methodology of scientific research develops methods of its implementation on this basis. The most important task of the methodology is the study of various characteristics of research methods, such as origin, essence, efficiency, etc.

The methodology of scientific research consists of the following levels:

1. Concrete-scientific methodology - focuses on research methods and techniques.

2.General scientific methodology - is a teaching about the methods, principles and forms of knowledge that function in various sciences. Here we distinguish the methods of empirical research (experiment, observation) and general methods (analysis, induction, synthesis, etc.).

3.Philosophical methodology - includes philosophical positions, methods, ideas, which can be used for cognition in all sciences. Speaking of our time, this level is practically not used.

The concept of scientific research, based on modern methodology, includes the following:

· Presence of the object of research;

· Development of methods, revealing facts, formulating hypotheses, finding out the reasons;

· Clear separation of the hypothesis and established facts;

· Predicting and explaining phenomena and facts.

The purpose of scientific research is the finalthe result obtained after its holding. And if each method is used to achieve certain goals, then the methodology as a whole is designed to solve the following tasks:

1. Identification and comprehension of moving forces, bases, prerequisites, patterns of the functioning of cognitive activity, scientific knowledge.

2. Organization of design and engineering activities, conducting its analysis and criticism.

In addition, the modern methodology of scientific knowledge pursues such goals as:

3. Study of reality and enrichment of methodological tools.

4. Finding the connection between the person's thinking and his reality.

5. Finding the connection and interrelation in the mental reality and activity, in the practice of cognition.

6. Development of a new attitude and understanding to symbolic systems of knowledge.

7. Overcoming the universality of specifically scientific thinking and philosophical naturalism.

The methodology of scientific research is not justa set of scientific methods, but a real system, the elements of which are in close interaction with each other. On the other hand, it can not be attributed to the dominant position. Despite the fact that the methodology includes both the depth of imagination, and the flexibility of the mind, and the development of fantasy, as well as strength and intuition, it is only an auxiliary factor in the creative development of man.

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