/ Permanent and non-permanent signs of an adjective. Syntactic role

Permanent and non-permanent signs of the adjective. Syntactic role

In the course of studying the morphology of students of eachthe school stage has to learn parts of speech. Permanent and non-permanent signs of the adjective children learn in the fifth grade. We will analyze their features in detail.


permanent and non-permanent signs of an adjective

This group of parts of speech is colorful andelegance. No text can do without it, even if it is of scientific content. Adjectives help us describe the size (long, big, tiny), tell about someone's appearance (cute, redhead), point to colors (white, yellow and blue, purple), reveal feelings (sad, funny, angry).

In the initial form, it is used in the masculine singular. The main questions to which it answers: which one? whose? In this version, you can find the word you are looking for in the spelling or explanatory dictionary.

In Russian, there is the concept of "permanent andnon-permanent signs. It means that any part of speech has a complex of certain qualities and characteristics that must be studied. And the adjective in this case is no exception.

Constant signs

Any literate student knows that all parts of speech have their own characteristics.

Constant and inconstant signs of an adjective are rather difficult to learn.

The first are discharges. Usually they are divided into three groups.

constant and non-permanent sign of an adjective

The most productive category is quality adjectives. Judging from the name, we can understand that they are intended to describe certain characteristics of objects.

They differ from other discharges in that they can form short forms by truncating the end.

For example: the great is great, the constant is constant, the bright is light.

Another special difference is the ability to compare one quality with another. In linguistics, this is called the degree of comparison.

For example: cool - cooler (cooler) - cooler (coolest).

These features distinguish qualitative adjectives from all others. Not one bit has so many features.

Remember, if in doubt, this is a permanent and non-permanent sign of an adjective, remember that only digits belong to the first.

The next group is different from the others. Only possessive adjectives can answer the question "whose?". This category means belonging to any animal or person.

For example: wolf track, shark eye.

The last group is relativeadjectives. They tell you what time or place the word belongs to. For example: spring drops (season), swimming pool (destination), forest coolness (place).

Unstable signs

All characteristics that are influenced by something that may change are called non-permanent. Unlike discharges, these may deviate from the initial version.

It is necessary to distinguish between permanent and non-permanent signs of an adjective.

concept of persistent and non-permanent signs

The first thing to call is the genus. All of them (male, medium and female) are inherent in the adjective.

For example: wall - dark - water.

Next is the number. This part of speech is used both in the singular and in the plural: any is different.

And, of course, the adjective changes in all cases. In this it is similar to the noun.

Categories such as degree of comparison and the ability to reduce the form, refer only to quality adjectives. The remaining digits cannot do this.

Signs of adjectives (permanent and non-permanent) are indicated during morphological analysis. We will indicate his plan below in the article.

Role in the proposal

Permanent and non-permanent signs of an adjective are studied in great detail in Russian language lessons.

In addition, all possible syntax functions are considered in detail.

Since it answers the question “what?”, It usually plays the role of definition in a sentence.

For example: Warm summer evening we remember for a long time.

In the case when the adjective assumes the function of action, then it will be predicate.

For example: The dress was colorful.

Sometimes in Russian there is such a phenomenonas a transition from one part of speech to another. For example, the word "dining room" used to be an adjective. Now it is more often used as a noun, therefore in the nominative case it plays the role of the subject, and in indirect cases it plays the role of the subject.

adjective names are permanent and non-permanent

Sample parsing

Before setting an example, it is necessary to develop a small plan that will help not to get lost in the signs.

  • Initial form and question.
  • Grammatical features.
  • Permanent and non-permanent sign of an adjective.
  • Role in the sentence.

Example: Guests are accommodated in a cozy house.

  • Cozy - an adjective (what?).
  • Sign of
  • High quality.
  • Male gender, prepositional, singular, full form, degree is positive.
  • Function - definition.

Now you can easily do the analysis yourself. Be careful, adjectives are often confused with participles.

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