/ / Summary "Childhood Themes" N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky

Summary "Childhood Themes" by N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky

"Childhood Themes" - this is the first storyautobiographical work, consisting of four parts. Talking about himself, the writer protects the identity of each child from bribery and soullessness in the family and society.

summary childhood themes
NG Garin-Mikhailovsky, “Childhood Themes”: a summary AND-AND chapters

The action takes place in the family Kartashevs.His head is retired general Nikolai Semenovich. Mother - Aglaida Vasilievna. The father, a former military man, strongly opposes the sentimental education of Tema, the eldest of the boys in the family. The mother, on the contrary, believes that the child should not be intimidated, punished physically, so as not to destroy human dignity in him. The first encounter with the Topic occurs when he accidentally broke a favorite paternal flower. The boy is not recognized because he is afraid of punishment. This fear is higher than the credibility of the mother’s justice. He directs all the actions of the Theme. On the first day of the story, he still tore up the skirt of the bonn, galloped on the stallion, broke the bins and stole sugar. As a result, the father severely punished his son - he struck. He will remember such executions forever. So, when almost 20 years later he was in his father's house, he remembered the place where he had been flogged by a child. The feeling of hostility towards the father has not changed.

NG Garin-Mikhailovsky, “Childhood Themes”: a summary III-IV chapters

В этот период для матери было важно, чтобы, despite the whims, pranks and rash acts her son's heart remained hot. He feels this attitude and willingly tells her about his misfortunes. After repentance and recognition, the Subject is overwhelmed with sublime feelings. But at the same time, he is still under the impression of physical punishment, because of which he is ill, and then he makes a real deed. He recalls the Beetle, the beloved dog.

michael childhood themes summary
The nanny says that someone threw her into the well.Theme saves the Bug, first in a dream, and then in reality. This is so impressed by the boy, that he also considers many future events of adult life through the prism of what happened to him in childhood. This time, Theme's feat ended in a fever and several weeks of illness. But he got out.

Summary of "Childhood Themes": AT-YOU chapters

After recovery, the boy was allowed to playwasteland, which belonged to his father and rented out. So, in the games, raids and walks two more dog-namic years passed. Exam in the first grade Subject passed successfully. The boy trembled before the Latinist, but he adored the teacher of natural history. Here he first learned what friendship is.

Summary of "Childhood Themes": VII-VIII chapters

Soon the emotional lift is replaced by moreeveryday mood. Days have become smooth, monotonous. A kind and meek classmate Ivanov has become a good friend of Theme. In addition, he was more read. Thanks to him, Kartashev in the second grade meets new writers.

Summary of "Childhood Themes": THEIR-FROM chapters

But soon there was an unpleasant story, after which Ivanova was expelled from the gymnasium. Friends stopped chatting. And not only because there were no common interests.

childhood themes summary
Иванов стал свидетелем малодушного поступка Темы.Since then, the reputation of the “issuer” has been attached to him in the class. For several days the boy was all alone. When Kartashev studied in Petersburg, he still had a chance to meet with Ivanov. But at that time he had many new buddies. They were overwhelmed with adventurous and romantic dreams. They wanted to flee to America, not to be like everyone else. This, of course, had an effect on academic performance: less eagerness to study led to worse grades in the journal. From home Theme carefully hides it. The escape did not work, the friends got the nickname "Americans".

Summary of "Childhood Themes": HI-XII chapters

When it's time to take the exams,it was found that no one was ready for them. Kartashev very afraid to fail. For fear, he thinks about suicide. These thoughts, fortunately, left without consequences. The topic is still taking exams, it is transferred to the third grade. At the same time, the boy and his father come closer. He became more affectionate and gentle, sought to be more often with home. Before, he was more silent, and now he tells the Topic about his campaigns, military comrades and battles. Soon the father dies.

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