/ Diet of cosmonauts. Feedback and meal plan

Diet of astronauts. Feedback and meal plan

diet cosmonauts reviews
It is not known why this diet was soa specific name, but many people testify to its effectiveness. Very tough in its content, it allows you to throw up to 20 kilos in twenty days. The diet of cosmonauts, whose reviews are mostly positive, requires strict restrictions, of which we will speak.

Feature of food

The principle of this diet is very similar to the processpreparation of space explorers. Maybe that's why she got that name. The main and main feature of the diet of cosmonauts (reviews, in any case, eloquently testify to this) are the consumption of proteins in the bulk of the body, for which the organism spends a large amount of energy for assimilation. But in order to reduce yourself in volume, you will have to dramatically reduce the gastronomic variety of meals for twenty days.

Twenty-day menu

So, if we talk about food, then it's easier not toit happens. Calculate the diet is easy, because it is the same for everyone. EVERY DAY you should eat clearly according to the schedule: for breakfast there should be one egg (boil or fry without butter - your choice) and a glass of kefir (or coffee). Dinner should consist of one hundred and fifty grams of boiled chicken (without leather, of course) and half a liter of broth from it.

diet cosmonauts losing weight
Afternoon snack you "zamynaete" the same glass of yogurtor coffee. For dinner - no more than two hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese or a glass of kefir. Between meals, it is plentiful to drink water without gases, which will purify the body and help lose weight. But for salt, sugar and spices for the next twenty days, forget it. That's what she is - a diet of cosmonauts. Reviews about it are very bright and positive, but most of the experimenters miss the side effects of such nutrition.

Diet of astronauts. Reviews thin

Reviews in their majority contain a lot of goodand enthusiastic words. One girl did not fail to tell that she has decreased in volumes almost in one and a half time. Another wrote that she threw fifteen kilograms per course, but at the same time she threw out the broth from the diet. The third quickly lost weight in five days to six kilograms in time for the beach season. But there were also some reviews that were written after a while. Individuals even compared this method to the "Kremlin" diet.

Diet of astronauts. Feedback on side effects

So, first of all in most sourcesdoes not indicate that this loss is associated with a large loss of not only calories, but also many useful substances - minerals, vitamins. And this means that you have guaranteed beriberi. After all, even with the most harmful and incorrect nutrition, we also get micro / macronutrients, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats besides proteins. Here, all this is cut to a minimum. So, you need to take a vitamin complex.

The second point is a great stress for the body inin general and for the gastrointestinal tract in particular. If you have even the slightest hint of any deviations in the work of this system, refuse from such a supply. In general, if there are serious diseases of any of the systems - it's better not to take risks, but it will be like in the well-known poem: "I've lost weight once and now I'm ...". After all, comparison with the "Kremlin" diet is not accidental. During the period of weight loss you can thoroughly undermine the body.

calculate the diet
Those who have problems with immunity should not even think about such weight loss. The lack of necessary substances together with a strong stress can give an even greater reduction in immunity.

Physical labor, as well as fitness,force loads and other exercises need to be canceled in order not to bring yourself to complete exhaustion. Physical exercise can begin only after ten days after the end of the diet, when you gradually (and this is very important!) Will go off with a limited supply. For a month after the diet, it is necessary to limit the use of spicy, roasted and smoked.

And, by the way, if you remember, fast weight loss andexternally affects you. Skin, even for young people, just does not have time to catch up, because of what it will look far from sexy. She looks flabby and even, I'm not afraid of this word, sagging.

The result

That, strictly speaking, that's all.The diet of cosmonauts, which can be deceived about the reviews, has many disadvantages. And not for the weak in spirit and body. But if there are no contraindications, then once or twice a year you can apply it to quickly lose weight to the beach season or in order to get into a new (or old) dress.

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