/ / "Arthron Triacive Forte." Information, description, application

"Arthron Triacive Forte." Information, description, application

Every year, joint diseases all "get younger".Experts attribute this fact not only to the sedentary lifestyle of people and poor ecology, but also to the lack of minerals in modern products.

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To prevent the development of pathology of the musculoskeletal system, doctors recommend taking such a tool as "Arthron Triacive Forte."

Instruction, reviews, contra-indications and cost of this product will be presented in the materials of this article.

Form of release, packaging, description and composition

Medication "Arthron Triacive Forte", reviews aboutwhich are ambiguous, is issued in tablet form (white tablets with inclusions). The active components of this drug are glucosamine hydrochloride, methylsulfonyl methane and chondroitin sulfate Na.

You can buy the drug in blisters or vials of polymer material.


How do tablets "Arthron Triaktive Forte" work?The instruction informs, that this preparation is capable to stimulate regenerative processes in cartilaginous tissues. The complex effect of the 3 active ingredients is aimed at improving cartilage nutrition and restoring its structure.

Chondroitin and glucosamine are involved in the biological synthesis of connective tissue. They stimulate the processes of regeneration and prevent the destruction of cartilage.

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Glucosamine is a nonspecific protector,capable of protecting tissues from chemical damage, and also developing a cartilage matrix. It should also be noted that this substance is one of the components of cartilaginous glucosaminoglycans, which belong to the endogenous type.

Properties of the medicine

Simultaneous reception of glucocorticosteroids anddrugs of the NSAID group is able to form metabolic and metabolic disorders. In this case, glucosamine protects the damaged cartilage from such destruction in those who are forced to use NSAIDs and SCS. This substance also exhibits a moderately anti-inflammatory effect.

Chondroitin Na-sulfate is aan additional substrate, which is necessary for the formation of a healthy and high-grade cartilaginous matrix. It stimulates the formation and production of hyaluron, enhances the synthesis of proteoglycans and collagen of the second type. Also, this ingredient resists the aggressive influence of free radicals and protects hyaluron from enzymatic cleavage.

The active substances of the agent under consideration stabilize the viscosities of the joint and synovial fluid, and also inhibit the activity of enzymes that promote the cleavage of cartilaginous tissues.

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Chondroitin stimulates the reparative mechanisms andprocesses in the cartilaginous basis of the joints. With prolonged use of this remedy in a patient suffering from osteoarthritis, there is no need to take NSAID preparations.

With respect to such a component asmethylsulfonylmethane, it helps to remove toxins and lactate from tissues, positively affects their elasticity, strengthens the inflow of nutrients and elements, helps restore damaged structures of the skin and connective tissues.

The composition of methylsulfonylmethane contains an elementS - sulfur, which is extremely necessary for the formation of nail plates, cartilage and connective tissue, as well as hair. It also revealed its antiallergic effect. Sulfur enriches the liver with nutrient minerals and substances. In addition, it is necessary for healthy and high-grade work of the brain.


Tablets "Arthron Triacive Forte" appoint at:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • bursitis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • tenosynovitis.

arthron triadic forte instructions


The drug "Arthron Triacvent Forte" is not recommended for use with:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • marked pathology of the renal system or liver;
  • breastfeeding;
  • high risk of bleeding;
  • pregnancy.

This medication can be used in pediatric practice from 15 years. He is cautiously prescribed for diabetes (sugar) and alcohol dependence.

How to use Arthron Triaciv Forte?

The price of this medication will be listed below.

Medication is prescribed only orally.Tablets in the film membrane should be taken whole, washed down with plain water. They are forbidden to grind or chew. Preferred time of taking the drug - after a meal.

The duration of treatment with this tool is determined only by the doctor. Before this, the doctor must evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of the medication.

The standard scheme of therapy is 1 tablet twice a day. If necessary, this dose can be increased to three tablets per day.

It is desirable to take this remedy within 3 months.

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Adverse Events

The drug "Arthron Triaciv Forte" rarely causes negative symptoms. Patients who are predisposed to adverse reactions can be registered with:

  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • nausea;
  • dermatitis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • itching;
  • epigastric pain;
  • edema of Quincke;
  • vomiting;
  • skin rashes;
  • erythema;
  • headache;
  • stool disorders;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dizziness;
  • disturbed sleep and wakefulness.

Medication "Arthron Triacive Forte": analogues and cost

If the drug in question is contraindicatedpatient, the doctor must choose for him a more suitable and safe medication with a similar effect. As a rule, such tools are used "Chondroitin-Phytopharm," "Arthron Complex", chondroitin ointment, "Arthron Khondreks" and "Chondroitin Complex."

arthron triadic forte instructions

The price of the original medicine is quite high.Its cost is determined by the number of tablets in the package or vial, the sales region, as well as the markup of the pharmacy network. The average price of this medication is 1450 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Is the "Arthron Triacivt Forte" medication effective?Patients' reviews report that this drug is fairly well tolerated by them. Only in isolated cases it can cause negative reactions, which are described just above. With prolonged treatment, the severity of side effects is markedly reduced.

According to experts, the drug positively affects the structure of the cartilage matrix, strengthening its regeneration and promoting recovery.

Of the shortcomings of this drug, patients note its high cost. Given that the medication is intended for long-term therapy, not everyone can acquire it in sufficient quantities.

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