/ / Pepper sauce for steak: home cooking recipes

Pepper sauce for steak: home cooking recipes

Слово «соус» имеет французские корни и в переводе means gravy. This seasoning to the main dish, which includes vegetables, spices, broth, cream and many other ingredients. Ever since the appearance of sauces in France in the 17th century, they began to be given names by the names of the products on the basis of which they were prepared. This is how pepper sauce, mustard, onion, etc. appeared. Today we will talk about pepper-based sauce, which is traditionally prepared for meat steaks.

Classic Pepper Sauce

At the same time, the sharp and creamy taste of pepper sauce perfectly harmonizes with the meat. It is traditionally used as a seasoning for beef steaks and other "male" dishes.

pepper sauce
Pepper sauce for steak, the recipe of whichoffered below, made from peppercorns. What color it will be depends on the preferences of the cook. The original uses a mixture of white, black, pink and green peppers, but you can take one of the presented species. Before cooking it must be crushed.

To the onions fried in a pan add pepper,salt, pour brandy and set it on fire with a match. Here you need to be especially careful, because the flame rises high enough. After 2 minutes, the brandy will evaporate. Now you can add cream (70-100 ml), let it boil and remove from heat or reduce to density. It all depends on the desired consistency. Serve hot, watering steak sauce, or cold in a sauce bowl.

Traditional pepper sauce for steak: recipe with photos

The taste of the traditional pepper sauce has pronounced notes of cream. It is gentle, but with a spicy peppercorn in the taste. Cooking is easy even for an inexperienced cook.

pepper sauce for steak recipe
For this sauce is taken shallots, whichadditionally give it a gentle structure. Cut the third part of the stem as small as possible and fry in butter. Add freshly ground pepper, passed through a special mill, and salt. Pour brandy, set on fire. After 2 minutes add cream. Hold the pepper sauce on the fire until a thick consistency is obtained.

Original pepper sauce in meat broth

Even the best steak truly revealsyour taste only in combination with sauce. It adds to the meat piquancy, juiciness, makes it literally melting in the mouth. Traditionally, pepper sauce based on pepper, peas, brandy and cream is served to steak. For a special taste, you can put concentrated meat broth - just one teaspoon, and the sauce takes on completely different notes.

Сначала на сливочном масле с добавлением vegetable caramelized chopped finely onions and garlic. For the sauce, shallots are more suitable, which have a sweetish taste, but the bulb is also suitable. He will need ½ head and 2-3 cloves of garlic. When the onion becomes a caramel color, add a spoonful of concentrated broth, a handful of black and green peppercorns (you can crush with a little rolling pin), 50 g of brandy, and immediately after that light the contents of the pan. This is the peculiarity of the preparation of this sauce - alcohol burns out, and the aroma remains.

pepper sauce for steak recipe with photos
At the last stage of cooking in the pancream is poured: 100-150 ml depending on the fat content (the higher the% on the package, the lower the volume). Now pepper sauce for beef steak should be boiled down to a thick consistency. They can immediately pour the finished meat or serve separately in a saucepan.

Pepper Steak with Sauce

The specialty of cooking this steak is thatit is fried in pepper, in which it needs to be rolled before sending it to the pan. And then in the same oil the sauce is prepared, saturated with the aromas and taste of roasted meat.

Черный перец для панировки не нужно молоть, it is enough to crush him a little and you can roll in it steaks from two sides. At the same time, melt the butter in the pan. Posting steaks and fry them over high heat until crusting. After that, send the meat "to rest", and in the pan, without removing it from the heat, pour in 20 g of brandy, 200 ml of cream, add a tablespoon of mustard and salt to taste. Boil the pepper sauce for the steak (recipe presented above) for 10 minutes. Then add steaks, previously fried, to the pan, turn off the heat and let them soak for 5 minutes on each side.

Pepper red sauce

This sauce could be called analog.famous Red Devil (red devil), if not composition. In the original, it is made from red cayenne pepper. In the presented recipe of this ingredient is not, but from this it does not get worse, and even wins, because it has a more natural composition.

pepper sauce for beef steak
To make hot pepper sauce at home, you need two large sweet red peppers, 1 chili pepper, ½ onion and 2 cloves of garlic.

Лук и чеснок мелко порезать и обжарить на vegetable oil. In a hot pan add chopped sweet peppers and chili. Fry all the ingredients until soft, salt. Transfer the hot mass to the bowl of the blender and beat until smooth. Transfer to a saucepan and serve with traditional beef steaks.

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